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Disrespect in-game sucks.

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Hey guys.

First off, Im not bitching for my camp being raided/attacked.

I just want to sharea sad story. =(

Me and my group have built up a great camp for days.

We managed to get 4 vehicles and a lot of stuff.

Saddly we was attacked while everybody was offline.

But what made me sad wasn't the fact that we lost most of our stuff, that we spent more than 2 weeks gathering.

What is really awful is the disrespect of the bandits who did it.

I just got online and saw how the f*cked up we were, and when I switched my map on, I just saw map markers(don't know the exact name) saying where the camp was and some words like: "DEAD BUS FUCKERS" , "DEAD BOAT FUCKERS", not to mention some other.

Finally, if they or he, or whoever just looted, destroyed everything, it would be ok, we can get all the stuff back with a little work. But why the fuck do such a thing? Call us fuckers? Mark our base on map?

I don't even kill players, Im peaceful, with who is peaceful to me. I think I should stop being a survivor and become a bandit, at least I will have what is deserved. Because this game is turning into a big fucking Deathmatch Arena, where players fuck others up for nothing.

Sorry for anything, guys. Just need to put it out. And please, don't do such a thing. If you rob someones camp, be respectful, they can get their stuff back anyway, no need to be such a duche.

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Firstly, don't ever, and I mean ever get attached to your loot. You have to realize that when you're playing DayZ, you can easily lose hours of gear in a matter of minutes. People are always going to act like this on the internet, just either ignore it or don't let it bother you. Being a peaceful player may suck at times, but it definitely has its moments if you stick with it.

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I know, man.

I'm not attached to my loot.

I was just pissed off because of what the bandits wrote on the map.

It is a shame, that on a game like this ppl act like this.

I of course will keep peaceful. It gave me some of the best experiences I could ever get from other games. But in moments like these, all I want is to find the bastard who did it, and kill it(in-game, of course), and, loot all he has. Just because of the lack of respect.

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Unfortunately there will always be this selected group of monkeys in a game that stand out like a sore thumb from the rest of the community.

Just look at griefers in Minecraft, ruining weeks of hard work. And for what?

These guys were the little brats who found joy stomping out other kids sandcastles. That's just how they tick, and there is nothing you can do about it.

So just let it go. Don't make a base in DayZ unless you are prepared to have it destroyed.

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These guys were the little brats who found joy stomping out other kids sandcastles. That's just how they tick' date=' and there is nothing you can do about it.[/quote']Nah, something tells me 99% of these people wouldn't have the balls to pull something like that IRL, lest they be dropkicked in the teeth.

Anonymity does terrible, terrible things to human beings.

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I know' date=' man.

I'm not attached to my loot.

I was just pissed off because of what the bandits wrote on the map.

It is a shame, that on a game like this ppl act like this.

I of course will keep peaceful. It gave me some of the best experiences I could ever get from other games. But in moments like these, all I want is to find the bastard who did it, and kill it(in-game, of course), and, loot all he has. Just because of the lack of respect.


Well that makes two of us.. I dont ever KOS inless he is shooting at me, even at that I make sure hes a bandit.. if not I try and defuse the situation..

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Well, alot of servers seems to have those types of people, we are just glad we havent had any of them on our servers yet..

But yeah, i know how you feel, had something similar happen to our camp before we joined up with Ravin in UBCS..

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dayz is a game tailor made for asswipes, said asswipes can make the game more threatening and thus more exciting though in its current form

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Man, I always offer help when I encounter someone and do not get hit.

Or I offer him food, or water, or meds, or ammo. Just because they are kind, because they play this game as it is meant to be played.

I think that on a Zombie appocalypse the only guys that will be "bandits" are the sociopats, the psycho's, jerks and stupid guys. So, this way I act on the game, I play as if it was true, so I don't kill the only humans left, I help them to get help someday. Being a bandit is shit, is a Deathmatch desire on such a game like DayZ, that wasn't meant to delivery such experience.

EDIT: I didn't meant bandits at all, just the jerks that kills for no reason. So, if you get killed, or someone robbs you, threat you with a gun and take all your stuff, this sucks, but they have a reason to do that. Not this psycho shit of killing for nothing.

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Yeah man, I mean destroying your vehicles and flattening your tents is fine. But that stuff on the map is a bit over the top.

Like everyone said, no attachment and just learn from your mistakes (if you can name any).

Space your loot out, don't keep all your eggs in one nest, reduces the chances of all your stash being taken/destroyed.

I have killing in-game, but there are those rare moments that teaming up is very rewarding. This is one of them moments, you lived an excellent life, now time to rebuild. Think it as the GFC. Global Fuckwit Convention. You'll live.

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Being a peaceful player may suck at times' date=' but it definitely has its moments if you stick with it.


I like that.

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