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MERGED: Night time, darkness, gamma

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I grew up in the country, population was about 5k if to many old people didn't die that month....

Me and my brothers (5 of us total) would play outside at night all the time, this is in the PNW, overcast, and no light pollution and you could still see enough to run around, under trees and in buildings would be pitch black but outside you would still see each other from about 8 feet out.

IMO the games needs a bit more light at night but not much, just enough to make out a door from 5 feet.

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I have experienced darkness at night in the sticks when I literally could not see my hand in front of my face. It is a very real situation that is common enough that the phrase "can't see my hand in front of my face" was coined.

That aside, whether or not darkness of that magnitude is conducive to enjoyable gameplay is up to the individual. I see no reason why people should not be allowed to play on a server that has brighter nights, an offset clock, or high timescale ratio.

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Well, from the one time I actually ran across a flashlight, I found out that it goes in your pistol slot. So if you want to start with a flashlight instead of a pistol, go right ahead. :) Maybe if they adjust it so you can combine the pistol & flashlight, either with some duct tape or even just being able to hold the flashlight in your off-hand with the standard night-fire hold, with the trade-off of course being that it is much more tiring to hold and causes your aim to go shaky much quicker.

If added to standard starter equipment, batteries could even become a consumable resource. I know the ACE2 realism mod made certain electronics such as the laser rangefinder & laser designator require batteries.

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Get a Glock 17 and you'll be good to go in that department.

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I'm not sure why, but playing on the servers where it is pitch black (no moon) seems to always give me a splitting head ache after about 15 minutes.

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I heard that the game follow the real lunar cycle and so explaining why it has been dark on servers the past couple of days' date=' not sure if this is true or not.


It would seem the mission is maybe hardcoded to read the date and time reported by the OS of the server (windows usually) and will then mirror the RL moonphase.

For all those who failed physics there is a waxing and waning moon - so getting fuller or shrinking and that the moon rises at different times. The moon goes around the earth (sheesh). That is why the servers have all been pitch black for week or so now.

See here:


I guess the locale is set to Czechoslovakia (game devs home country)

So if its clear weatherwise ... the 4th of June will be very bright at night! Until then eat more carrots!!

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I've experienced this kind of darkness a couple of times, away from light pollution and on moonless nights. The starlit nightsky is insanely beautiful, but without artificial lights, all you can rely on is sound, memory and the surface you walk on. Trippy.

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I personally think the night time lighting in the mod right now is completely unrealistic. It's far too dark. I spent the last 2 years before this one living in Wyoming, in an area with a population of 12, YOu could see from my house all the way to the mountain ridge line and clearly the snow caps on the mountains. Obviously it'd be pretty hard to spot a person or an animal without them standing on stop of a hill, but it shouldn't absolutely impossible to see someone 10 feet in front of you in this mod. People saying it's realistic are full of themselves, and think we're criticizing the mod, when we're infact providing feadback. As someone who lived in the literal middle of no-where. I promise the night-time lighting is not realistic. Even when it's cloudy on the server there's no excuse for a completely washed out unsaturated visual experience where you can't even see your own gun in your hand. I should not have to max my brightness and gamma to play in the dark, a flashlight and flare should be an option for better navigation, not required to play. Because all you get with the game in its' current state is players jumping to US or European servers depending on the time of day, at the point it's at right now you might as well just turn off Day and Night cycle because it's really rare to see anyone in a night server that isn't duping Night Vision goggles for people.

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Nope. Use a flare or chem light. Some of us love the darkness' date=' and (hopefully) it will remain unchanged in future updates.

Remember, this is a survival horror mod, night time is supposed to be hard and scary.


Agree with this cool foo

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