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What do YOU do in Day Z?

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Love the game, getting boring though :X

Ive been just about everywhere. I hung out @ the nwaf going back and forth between the barracks, tower, fire station and hangars. I told myself id never shoot @ another player first. I think I need to break this rul just to keep me going. I've started taking pot shots @ zombies everywhere. My aim is solid, with and m4 I can head shot a zed 150+ m away. I just can't think of anything to do anymore. I haven't gotten a car working yet. Seems extremely tedious and futile. Grouping w people sucks I just don't trust anyone. I really want to just stalk someone and watch them go about their business like im not there. I play on a low pop server which could be the reason im demoralized. Please, share your activities in day z with me!

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honestly, when i start fresh I sprint to buildings to find weapons and supplies, and then try to secure a nice backpack. After all that is complete I usually attempt to commit murder. Why? Unlike other FPS games this game adds a new element to the game that you don't find in other "Run n Gun" games. You must be tactical at all times. The targets are rare, but when you find one all sorts of calculations run through your head.. Does he have friends? How many zombies are around? Is it worth shooting my weapon? and many others

This game does what no other FPS does. Makes killing a person have real consequences.

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I play with a few friends though we dont always move as a pack at all times,

i tend to gather supplies get camps or vehicles up and running for us.

When were raiding for the stuff required for the above we generally avoid other players,

when moving on my own i might kill another player if he is likely to carry the item i need to survive. Very rarely do i kill for sport, most of the cases of this has been of hearing someone shoot another player so i go in for the kill to sate my own taste of blood on a bandit, thats not to say i have qualms about shooting someone whos become an apparent threat or someone who has water/food/gun when i desperately need one.

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For me and a buddy of mine we like to loot. Hit the bigger northern towns. Then hit the Main starter towns. The thing we kinda gotten into is watching new players. Its pretty funny to watch a guy trying to find a gun just running down the coast. Pretty simple stuff really

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For me and a buddy of mine we like to loot. Hit the bigger northern towns. Then hit the Main starter towns. The thing we kinda gotten into is watching new players. Its pretty funny to watch a guy trying to find a gun just running down the coast. Pretty simple stuff really


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The trend that I see is that people tend to be friendly at first, and the more they play, the more they become hostile towards everyone; I pretty much gather as much gear as I can and become a bandit. It sucks for anyone who is new, but I've been playing so long that PvP is really the only fun thing left to do, and the thrill of losing all your gear is such a rush.

I would like to help new players survive and get gear but every time I do I get shot once they acquire a weapon, usually because I have a rifle or something good that their greedy asses want and they were just plotting against me the whole time.

I've been brainstorming with my friends of possible mini games that could be added to liven the gameplay a bit and give something for players to do other than go around killing each other. Most of which would require quite a bit of programming and editing the original code, like adding a shop zone or being able to build new structures and clear forest areas. I think even character customization would add more playability with wanting to find new costumes or gear. Just something more than "avoid zombies, get stuff, dont die".

To pass the time I actually began the process of uploading a video series to youtube for helping new players survive without a gun and food. I've seen a lot of complaints about that on the forums, and it gives me something to do as well as lets me help players without putting myself in harms way.

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I get my legs broken.

Otherwise I love to search for heli crash sites, storm castles and occasionally sneak around super dangerous places.

Finding snipers to creep up on is really fun too.

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