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"Expand" the base building system

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I feel its fun that Bohemia calls DayZ Hardcore-survival sandbox. Any other survival or sandbox games there is more base building.

With fences, watch towers, gates and tents, it feels like we are in stone age. Building and cathering resource for base is big part of survival side.

Back in the days there was SimpleBase, which did fit the vanilla feel: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1814422822

Or even give us roofs like shown here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1667135157

From tactical view, its way better to have roof over the head.

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Also what about being able to plane chainlink fences or sandbag walls or small brick walls? 

DayZ base building could add a lot 

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Well folks you shall understand that Player Behavior (not actual players but playable unit) is creazy dūmb, it can use any type of firearm, knows how to unjam, can repair any tipe of firearm, but can't build more then dümmy walls, and towers. Idk DayZ Expansion gaves in dozen more abilities, I think that BI shall talk with Exp Mod team and add their mechanics in the game, because current base building is ridicùloúsly simple that even chield can make it better. I can accept that behavior @ 1.00, or 1.05 but it's already 1.27 and still useless base building.

Really that's not fun.

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The fact is that there is lot of players wanting less mods on servers and because vanilla DayZ is too..."basic", most of them are moving to other games. I did see this behavior at 1.25, the play couple weeks after updates to check new stuff and then move to play other survival/sandbox games.

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