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DeadWeight85 (DayZ)

New Server

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New Server up: US 83 hosted by TopMarks Gaming and is based out of Dallas. This is a fresh server with no vehicles hoarded. Come check it out.

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Is this listed as a hardcore server? I've had difficulty finding hardcore servers that have side chat disabled. I don't like the cross-hairs and 3rd person.

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Is this listed as a hardcore server? I've had difficulty finding hardcore servers that have side chat disabled. I don't like the cross-hairs and 3rd person.

Isn't side channel / chat disabled by default nowadays?

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There already was a US83 TX7 server...what happened to that one? Or is this a completely new server? Hosted by new group or same people as the other one?? Just trying to sort out my confusion because i had stuff stored on US83 till it went down earlier today.

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ichor: It is not a hardcore server. If the server is named properly, you should see "CH:OFF" for no crosshairs and "3D:OFF" for no third person. Some also say hardcore. As for sidechat, _most_ servers do not have it any more

tickle: It is disabled by default. We enjoy the sidechat aspect and are working to find out if we can enable it. And before a naysayer says "its a blacklistable offense" or some similar jargon, go look up your facts first. Editing the mission file will result in a blacklist, but Rocket has stated that while he doesn't want people using side chat as it's not intended to remain in the game, they are not blacklisting for side chat.

Maniacle: The server name was given to us today and the server went "live" today as soon as we received the proper name. Not sure who hosted the original server with the same/similar name, but it definitely wasn't deadweight. But we did see ya in there. We have a vent and you're more than welcome to join us on there if interested or looking to replace your long lost home. P.M. me on here or find me in game

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ichor: It is not a hardcore server. If the server is named properly' date=' you should see "CH:OFF" for no crosshairs and "3D:OFF" for no third person. Some also say hardcore. As for sidechat, _most_ servers do not have it any more

tickle: It is disabled by default. We enjoy the sidechat aspect and are working to find out if we can enable it. And before a naysayer says "its a blacklistable offense" or some similar jargon, go look up your facts first. Editing the mission file will result in a blacklist, but Rocket has stated that while he doesn't want people using side chat as it's not intended to remain in the game, they are not blacklisting for side chat.

Maniacle: The server name was given to us today and the server went "live" today as soon as we received the proper name. Not sure who hosted the original server with the same/similar name, but it definitely wasn't deadweight. But we did see ya in there. We have a vent and you're more than welcome to join us on there if interested or looking to replace your long lost home. P.M. me on here or find me in game


Ugh...i just moved my L85 and some other cool items (all my NV stuff) to the old US83. I have 4 guys i play with regularly. Will have em come check out the new US83. Guess it is back to work finding new gear :). Haven't been able to locate any vehicles on your server yet, but i've only checked 3 towns. Will keep on looking though......

CYA in game.

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We "tested" the server for a day and weren't seeing vehicle spawns during that time. Reading up on it gave results varying from "New servers don't have/have few vehicle spawns" to "Devs send out vehicle spawns in waves" to "lolwtfroflcopter". Honestly, we don't know why they haven't spawned in, but we assumed as it's a fresh server, it's in the works. Hopefully soon we'll see people flying through cherno wrecking vehicles. Excited to see if they new patch prevents the clusterf__k that is vehicle camps off the map.

Our guys got together to rent a server that builds a decent community, bandit or survivor, and keeps the b.s. and hoarding to a tolerable level. We'll see how it pans out. I'm generally not the spokesperson as I fill the role of group a-hole. Noone else was around to field commentary though...

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Also, saw one guy driving a bus, and another on an ATV, so vehicles are spawning now

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Just FYI server is up and running without any hitches. Vehicles are still not hoarded and spawn in frequently. Server restarts @ 0200, 0800, 1400, and 2000. Good community and still growing population. Also just FYI DC from combat are banned.

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