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Daytime servers are always overloaded.

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The ability to alter the gamma/brightness really ruins night-time play. Unless you want to handicap yourself, you MUST to have it on full. How could you not? Every predatory player who doesn't have NVGs is playing with their gamma/brightness/HDR on full, and unless you want to be a proverbial fish in a barrel, you're going to have to do the same.

I got my first pair of NVGs tonight, and the difference between them and the gamma trick really seems negligible. It's really a choice of, would you rather see as the world in green tones or grey tones?

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I am in the UK so I was thinking. Would it not be possible for some of the servers in the UK or EU to set the server time to GMT+12 for example as a quick fix?

This would give people in EU a choice of playing at their real time or real time +12 hours, so always an option for day or night depending on what they want to play.

I am having to play on American servers atm if I want daylight during EU prime time with a bad ping.

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I came here to post pretty much exactly what is right above ^

I'm fine with a 24 hours cycle, and I'm fine with occasionally playing at night.

I hate having to -always- play at night if I want decent pings though. I'm at work during the day...

I'd like to see servers decalre more than just their location; they should be able to choose (and then stick to to avoid tampering) their timezone.

So servers time is dependent upon a chosen timezone, not the location.

Appearing in the server browser as something like

"UKX (DayZ 1.5.7) (GMT +X) xxxx"

On a related note: The day / night cycle on the UK servers is so totally out of sync with actual sunrise / sunset times now we're moving towards the summer. It's bright light outside and it's pitch black in DayZ...

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not to mention that people cheat their way through night time anyways.

I really enjoyed playing during the night until I realised this. Now I wouldn't mind if all servers just had 24/7 daylight. Totally pointless if people are just going to whack up their gamma and brightness.

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If DayZ is supposed to be a realistic zombies sim, then I want the ability to avoid night time just like I can do in real life, by going to sleep. Granted sometimes you might need to stay up past dark, maybe to look for food or something, but you cant really expect someone to have to realistically stay up forever. Not unless they implement crack to smoke or something.

So I think some kind of change is in order but I'm not sure what would be the best way to fix it.

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Fixed the hdr setting in advance. Turn it up to very high it helps and makes it more like a realistic night.

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I think our character's eyes should have to adjust to a sudden change in the level of light.

If it's dark, you'll have to wait for your eyes to adjust until you can see a small distance in front of you, and if you light a flare you'll be blinded for a moment or two as you adjust to the sudden light.

This is definitely realistic enough to be implemented, and could allow some additional gameplay mechanics such as throwing a flare to blind an enemy for a few precious seconds, and quickly extinguishing a campfire to throw off a sniper.

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I actually don't mind nighttime servers. Once the moon comes up it's reasonable, but before then I'll find somewhere else to play :/

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There is a reason we have night time. Its has to do with how the engine is working in Arma 2 and the spawning of zombies and loot/gear in the servers.

There have been a few EU servers that had perma day on, this caused a lot of de-sync and corrupt data in the main database. So having perma day on is now a bannable offense because it screws with the main database.

Though Rocket has stated that you can change the time zone of your server when you first configure it.

So basically, if you are going to screw with the day-night settings, you are going to have a bad time.

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Night Time is amazing and properly planned and executed Night Ops are incredibly fun. Get some Chem lights and color code your crew and go raid some military bases. People whining about daylight are just like the people that couldn't handle the food being used while offline feature. I hope rocket sticks to his guns and tells people to get over it instead of changing the day/night cycle.

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Just saw we're over 80,000 unique players. It's a massive alpha, and even the dark as fuck servers are getting full.

I would like to have a moon though..........

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Everyone plays on daytime servers because no one wants to play in a server that's pitch black with absolutely no way of seeing other than stationary flares. It's pretty pathetic that I have to go to a Russian server at night just to play on something I can actually see.

Its pretty pathetic you have to switch to a day time server because you don't know how to play at night time and are too cowardly to.

Instead of gearing up and adapting to a hard situation, you take the easy route out and just go on day time servers. Just another step and you'll be disconnecting from fights and server hopping for gear. I wish people would stop playing the game as some sort of farming/leveling style game and just play the game for the survival experience it was meant to be.

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Just set a ping limit of 150ms and enforce the normal cycle.

All this whining is pathetic, this is a hardcore mod based on a simulation, not some arcade shooter zombie mod.

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Yeah, I'm all for this mods tense feeling (even when there's little action) and difficulty to an extent, but I don't find playing in pitch black appealing in the slightest. its already hard enough during the daytime.

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Just set a ping limit of 150ms and enforce the normal cycle.

All this whining is pathetic' date=' this is a hardcore mod based on a simulation, not some arcade shooter zombie mod.


Another way that fixes across the board and not just via server settings is the following:

Set a DayZ global time that is synced on the hive and gets pushed to all the local servers. Slowly increment time so that everyone can experience day/night. So maybe every other day increment the server time by 3 hours during midnight or noon or interchange midnight, noon, midnight every other day.

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Yeah' date=' I'm all for this mods tense feeling (even when there's little action) and difficulty to an extent, but I don't find playing in pitch black appealing in the slightest. its already hard enough during the daytime.


One of my earliest experiences in the game was crawling along the NW airstrip on a moonless night, there were zombies everywhere, all I had was a chemlight and their growls to navigate through that horde.

I prefer playing at nightime and I love when it's pitch black and I have to choose between seeing anything but silhouettes and possibly giving away my position.

It adds a whole layer of tension to the game.

It's bad enough we have 3rd person and crosshair servers, what's next? Crying for PvE servers? Oh wait we have that already.

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I started off openly supporting the darkness of night time. But as ive played for longer and longer, it really is a bit of a nuisance, not because of the realism it offers, but because of how imbalanced its become.

Its no secret now that ramping up the gamma/brightness offers you decent night vision. However, its not something everyone can do, its a combination of your hardware and monitor. I can do it fine, but a few of my friends simply cannot, no matter how high they put the contrast, so whilst they are stumbling round in the darkness fumbling with chem lights and flares, im moving round and spotting them as if its day time.

Only problem is im not sure there is a way around night time. You cant offer everyone NVG's and you cant simply get rid of it. So im not sure, it needs to be addressed though i think.

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I'll have to agree on a faster day cycle.

OR.. if possible why not make it a server setting? So those who want a true 24hour cycle

can have their way and those that want shorter cycles can find a server that maybe has a

3hour day/night change.

This way we can at least customize or find a home server that matches everyone's


Personaly, I wouldn't mind a faster cycle so we could experience the 2 times in 1 game play

session. As most of my playtime is after 8, majority of my local servers are at night, which is okay but sometimes Id like to play during day time.

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Yep... faster day/night cycle would effectively increase the intensity of the game, no doubt about it.

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For those of you not wanting night play, but in the eastern two US timezones, just look through the server list.

There's quite a few Virginia GMT+4 servers out there as well as the GMT-5 ones. Don't know what the issue is. Everytime I wanted a daylight server i could find a +4 one with decent (sub 100) pings.

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it is rather daft especially as the servers are overloaded and nightime is imposible to function unlesss you cheat.

Either make the night 'lighter' or much shorter

It's a difficult one. One amns Auter vision has given us a game that otherwise would never have been made, but if that one pearson makes stubbon and bad deign descions pritty much nothing can be done about it unless he sells IP.

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