Stagman70 210 Posted December 4, 2024 Anarchy Inc. |1PP| Mostly Vanilla ChernarusPlus No personal light Dark nights Vanilla Base Building Build Anywhere enabled No damage to walls or fences Gate raiding only RedFalcon Heliz 3 hour day/45 minute nights Restarts every 6 hrs (10 and 4 CST) Are you tired of the way many Dayz servers have become more of a mil-sim than a survival sim? Are you tired of getting one-tapped from across the map from a modded rifle that is entirely TOO OP? At Anarchy Inc, the mods that are installed have been carefully hand-picked to offer a little QoL, a little convenience, and offers up some game balancing while keeping the PvE survival aspect of the game alive and the PvP challenging. If you like the nomadic gameplay style, persistence has been adjusted and now improvised shelters and buried stashes last 45 days instead of the vanilla 2 weeks. If base building is your game, get creative with "BuildAnywhere" being enabled and rest easy knowing that only gates can be raided. This is just an example of some of the changes made that make Anarchy Inc suitable for everyone. Looking for someone to run with? Come to the Discord, read the rules, and give Anarchy Inc a try. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites