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Made an account just to comment about the development of dayz. Have been a fan for a while, nearly since the mod time. 

But the state the game that it is in now and how little attention it is actualy geting is just sad. Feels like the developers dont even care anymore and just trying to cash in on its fans.( current price of dayz is quite high imo )  and the dlc felt a little dissapointing when playing it. I supported the game hoping it will help the future development if there is going to be any.

I make these speculations because compared to other games that have been and are being developed. I believe its 11 years now that bohemia has worked on the game ? But it still feels there is soo much more that can be done and added to it ...soooo qestion is what are the developers actualy doing????. It feels unfinished when playing the game...basebuilding has not been improved on since it was 1st released and not to mention alot of other stuff.


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I completely agree, I'm running own server and people reports that vehicle is jumping out of the road without any reason, just randomly, or server crashes or drops connection. I remember that things didn't happen in previous 1.25. Now I'm fixing using my modding skills what game devs just broke. Really sad that DayZ is getting worse.

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On 11/22/2024 at 1:48 PM, bumbibambi said:

Made an account just to comment about the development of dayz. Have been a fan for a while, nearly since the mod time. 

But the state the game that it is in now and how little attention it is actualy geting is just sad. Feels like the developers dont even care anymore and just trying to cash in on its fans.( current price of dayz is quite high imo )  and the dlc felt a little dissapointing when playing it. I supported the game hoping it will help the future development if there is going to be any.

I make these speculations because compared to other games that have been and are being developed. I believe its 11 years now that bohemia has worked on the game ? But it still feels there is soo much more that can be done and added to it ...soooo qestion is what are the developers actualy doing????. It feels unfinished when playing the game...basebuilding has not been improved on since it was 1st released and not to mention alot of other stuff.


Call it simply - game became to the milking stuff and abandoned product. I don't know, while were 1.12 patch I thought that's DZ will grow up and forward, but already 1.26 nothing interesting appeared only bags, bugs and removed items. I can purely say that's I wasted my money on useless game and that's why I will not bought any addon for DZ same as any new game by bohemia. I better safe my money for something more useful then supporting abandoned in future products...

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On 11/22/2024 at 1:48 PM, bumbibambi said:

Made an account just to comment about the development of dayz. Have been a fan for a while, nearly since the mod time. 

But the state the game that it is in now and how little attention it is actualy geting is just sad. Feels like the developers dont even care anymore and just trying to cash in on its fans.( current price of dayz is quite high imo )  and the dlc felt a little dissapointing when playing it. I supported the game hoping it will help the future development if there is going to be any.

I make these speculations because compared to other games that have been and are being developed. I believe its 11 years now that bohemia has worked on the game ? But it still feels there is soo much more that can be done and added to it ...soooo qestion is what are the developers actualy doing????. It feels unfinished when playing the game...basebuilding has not been improved on since it was 1st released and not to mention alot of other stuff.



Edited by Sid Debian
Idiotic filters

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I agree the game felt really good and lots of fun around 1.15 

but everything after has just been a slow slide into boring busywork, as an offical player the game is very boring now. they stopped adding anything cool to the updates and just started making guns rarer and harder to maintain, killed pvp on offical and custom servers are too inconsistent for me to really get into. 

its really sad, I fell in love with this game in 2021 but the last few years of design choices sucked the fun out of the game for me. (spawn changes, weapons spawning damaged, food and water changes, inertia, carrying capacity, turning radius changes etc) 

ive pretty much just quit now and none of my friends play anymore either, i was the first in the friend group to find the game in 2020 and even bought my friends copys to support a game i loved. I feel super burned by the last year or two of updates, 1.26 and the boring new map has really made me lose hope altogether.  

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oh and the marketing scheme of giving youtubers exclusive acsess was really sleazy of BI, 

and even sleazier is the fact that my any posts made on this account need to be approved by a moderator and so my posts are hidden for days before being approved is also very sleazy

because i assume my account was red listed for being too negative, i also created an account just to voice my negative feedback way back when freshys all started spawning together, and i havent had anything positive to say about the updates since that point either. 

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6 minutes ago, KA-74USER said:

oh and the marketing scheme of giving youtubers exclusive acsess was really sleazy of BI, 

and even sleazier is the fact that my any posts made on this account need to be approved by a moderator and so my posts are hidden for days before being approved is also very sleazy

because i assume my account was red listed for being too negative, i also created an account just to voice my negative feedback way back when freshys all started spawning together, and i havent had anything positive to say about the updates since that point either. 

No man, just a filters for containing words. Nothing special actually, need only sequence on several letters to find is ut swearing or not. And it's made so dümb because of word it's self. Word is only amount of letters but meaning of the word that's the real case.

But it requires another human for filtering or at least not ìdïotíc AI that's can spot meaning and not only letters but that means spending money but BI right now can mílkïng players and nothing more.

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I seriously hate the recent loot changes. Tundra, AKS-74U, AK-74, and VSS were removed from Livonia. ASVAL removed from Chern. ........like why??????? What's the point of playing Livonia when I can't use 4 great weapons. Instead of countering people who duplicate glitch and log out in bunker, they do this.... Considering taking a break from the game as a whole until this is fixed. So infuriating.

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How can you complain about the attention its getting? They've been putting out free updates for over 10 years. Its been quiet lately because theyve been working on sakhal. And how can you complain about the price when youve been playing since near the mod days? How many hours of entertainment have you gotten out of the one off payment for the game? 

I agree about the recent update though. Taking guns out of maps is utterly ridiculous. They should be adding content not taking away. Theyre cleaely trying to encourage map hopping to get certain guns but whos going to go through that effort? Spawn on chernarus to a random location, find a tundra for example, jump back to livonia to a random location, and get back to your original plans. Inventory nerfs i support but this recent update is ridiculous.


Sakhal feels empty too but i hear they are still working on adding things. 

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i found sakhal a huge letdown

like gimmie some fucking loot and pvp for fucks sakes, dont put it all on a separate island from the main location

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