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DayZ Dean 'Rocket' Hall Interview

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We had a brief discussion with Rocket at Rezzed in the UK. He talks about building underground and many other exciting bits. He seemed like a real cool guy:

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Thanks for posting. It's great to see rocket's stances on some of these questions.

Especially like the part about underground bases; I've wanted to see long, dark underground tunnels in Day Z for a while now ^.^

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Awesome job, many questions and answers were things I hadn't heard before.

sticky please

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Cool interview. It shows how far we are along with testing dayZ we are - and how far we have to go.

Love how he refers to it as 'the DayZ project'. Puts it in perspective. You're part of a project, people!!

Edit - And I thought your questions were good. But you should have pushed him on a release timescale!!! Months, years or decades???

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