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Remove Bottle Suppressors and rework actual suppressors.

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Firstly, I love DayZ, but bottle suppressors... I think create a very negative interaction between players. You guys won't add a long range scope for balance but you have these. Which effectively let's anyone with any gun take pot shots at you from who knows where at any level of gameplay.

Even in DayZ's pseudo realism these are just way out there. You need like a blowtorch and heavy can to make a makeshift silencer IRL. Using this IRL would do absolutely nothing.

I'm not the best with writing but let me try to explain the solution/gameplay loop you'd get out of this.

I guess I'd say more silencers in the game with a rework to them. I know not every gun has one screw on but that can be changed as you the developers see fit, and creates decisions to make, and loot to search for continuing gameplay. I think having them spawn at military again would also be absolutely great, they're a super common military attachment IRL; and if that's too much just at helicopter crash spawns again.

Probably be good to get back to your guys roots (as you are) and just go back to standard and Eastern, along with pistol, and two new high caliber ones to make the VS89 + DMR actually endgame useful; because as is everyone with a Tundra is Chris Kyle. Bottle Suppressors make unhappy gamers on the receiving end, and undeserving rats on the giving end.

*At least make them search high tier military to be that silenced sniper.*

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Posted (edited)

I don't think they need to remove plastic bottle suppressors, but instead make them realistic and make them do nothing at all. Maybe it could work for .22 or .380 pistol caliber.
Or re-use the model and have a reinforced duct taped plastic bottle that has... more durability? Seems more reasonable than a plastic suppressor...

They could and should buff the durability of real suppressors by at least 500% and nerf their "silencing" part by the same amount.
To make suppressors more useful, they could instead add in muffled sound if you shoot too quickly or shoot indoors without suppressors (not ear ringing because it's annoying).

It's pretty clear from the video that you can still faintly hear suppressed shots from 5.56 even at 1 km distance in less than ideal conditions (light rain) and you can easily hear them at 500 meters.

Suppressors don't have to be OP and they shouldn't be OP just because Hollywood makes them OP.

Edited by DefectiveWater
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On 8/28/2024 at 12:14 PM, FuzzyBear182 said:

Firstly, I love DayZ, but bottle suppressors... I think create a very negative interaction between players. You guys won't add a long range scope for balance but you have these. Which effectively let's anyone with any gun take pot shots at you from who knows where at any level of gameplay.

Even in DayZ's pseudo realism these are just way out there. You need like a blowtorch and heavy can to make a makeshift silencer IRL. Using this IRL would do absolutely nothing.

I'm not the best with writing but let me try to explain the solution/gameplay loop you'd get out of this.

I guess I'd say more silencers in the game with a rework to them. I know not every gun has one screw on but that can be changed as you the developers see fit, and creates decisions to make, and loot to search for continuing gameplay. I think having them spawn at military again would also be absolutely great, they're a super common military attachment IRL; and if that's too much just at helicopter crash spawns again.

Probably be good to get back to your guys roots (as you are) and just go back to standard and Eastern, along with pistol, and two new high caliber ones to make the VS89 + DMR actually endgame useful; because as is everyone with a Tundra is Chris Kyle. Bottle Suppressors make unhappy gamers on the receiving end, and undeserving rats on the giving end.

*At least make them search high tier military to be that silenced sniper.*

Suppressors right now are unfair for the receiving end and strips away the intensity for the other. definitely making it less viable, making suppressors more common, and realisticly loud would add much needed changes to Dayz

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Plumber's metal pipe + hacksaw = short metal pipe.
Short metal pipe + teddy bear (for padding) or clothes (made of strips of canvas) or padded jacket (also for padding) = Improvised suppressor.
Depending on the type of padding it has a longer or shorter lifespan (always unrealistic, but a bit more "believable"), and to "regenerate" it, just put the padding back.
The lifespan could also vary based on the caliber.
The animations can remain the same (we have the same animations for most things anyway).
It would need some new textures and changing the construction combinations.

Not too much work.

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Hello, I agree that Bottle and Millitary Suppressors have potential for change.

I wrote a really long text how I would handle them if I had ultimate DayZ development powers:



I liked the way it worked back in the day, when suppressors had normal item health in the inventory, didn't wear out from shooting and were unrestricted millitary loot.

That was more realistic and fun. I don't remember people complaining about that.

There's a video where a weapons museum expert reacts to DayZ gameplay and says that the suppressor wearing out practically would never happen.

Suppressors should not be gas zone restricted, especially if they are extremely unrealistically and tediously short lived. Having to do the gas zone run is also not fun for me, I'd rather never touch the loot in there, than do that tedious collectathon every time. Even though the gas zone run is very cool when you WANT to do it.

I saw an interview with a modern day soldier. He said people do use suppressors in war, but he discourages it in regular fights, they should only be used in special missions. Because all the smoke stays in your gun and it gets dirty inside quick.

I'd make suppressors spawn a lot in gas zones (special mission arrea) and rarely at all other millitary areas (sometimes used, but discouraged). Also at helis and convoys.

I'd make suppressors wear out maybe 10x times slower than they do now from use, and each level makes it slighty less quiet. The guns museum guy said that dust slowly builds up in the suppressor, which could make it a little bit louder. I'd still make it possible for it to get ruined, because I heard about "baffle strikes" where the gun shoots the inside of the suppressor and it breaks, which might happen in the apocalypse.

I'd give suppressors maybe the same health as gun magazines, for when they are in the inventory. Suppressors getting ruined from a single punch is nothing but annoying and unrealistic as far as I can tell. Having to store a metal suppressor inside a teddy bear so that it doesn't instantly get ruined is funny, but not fun or authentic xD We can spare the teddys a lot of trauma this way.

Currently the meta is crafting tons of bottle suppressors, storing them "safely" in a nonsensical way (teddy, soft pouches, soft first aid kit) and shooting silenced all the time anyway. This is also tedious and unrealistic. I saw an IRL video of a bottle suppressor on a mosin. It was really loud and the bottle flew off the barrel. It's not fun or cool to craft and store them, and it doesn't prevent everyone from always shooting suppressed all the time either, at least not as much as you'd think. I'd prefer being able to find a realistic, badass one from time to time instead, in a fun way.

I forgot to mention: Realistically you'd have to clean THE GUN more often with a suppressor from what I have heard in the IRL soldier interview.

And the suppressor itself only extremely rarely from what the gun museum expert said.



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I'd rather have bottle suppressors completely removed from the game than keep them the way they are 🙂

I don't like making them, I don't like carrying them, I don't like having to make sure they are stored in a teddy bear? soft pouches? so that they don't instantly break ( it does not make sense), they make cool guns look atroscious, I don't like that they are completely unrealistic and I definetly don't like that they have become "meta".

On servers with experienced players everyone is always shooting silenced with those bottle suppressors, meaning you are forced to interact with them unless you want a huge disadvantage in every fight. Meaning you have to use them, while the above mentioned things I don't like still apply. Meaning I am not having a good time wether I do or do not use bottle suppressors.

I would like if we had somewhat realistic improvised suppressors. The devs don't need to show off how we can make illegal suppressors IRL, just make something that vaguely similar to how it could be done irl xD

A little bit more realistic effort in acquiring them and more realistic longevity for improvised suppresors, aswell as realistically little/much noise reduction lookit at the IRL examples. If they suck IRL make them suck in-game 🙂

Edited by Pyongo Bongo

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