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Add back books to DayZ

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Days used to have most common books  in the game such as Romeo and Juliet, but they were removed a while ago. I think DayZ should bring back books to the game for a few reasons

1) Books would be the ultimate flex if you collected all 145 of them, and the ultimate goal of large teams could be to collect them

2) Offices and Schools don’t have any loot specific to those types of buildings, so books could make them feel more natural than just finding a gun in an office

3) Books could be used to make a fireplace without kindling, which would be less time consuming

4) Ik having something without a purpose seems like a waste of dev time, but glasses are in dayz and they do nothing


  • Beans 1

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"As far as I am aware, there is no plan to have the books back in the game (at least the way they worked), perhaps maybe as a decoration (as per our contest) but once again, I have not seen the plans for the next year yet. And even If I would have, I could not share them till they are final and official anyway...
All I can do is to bring that topic up and see If the team can think of some book feature. But the way they used to work - that is a no, sorry."

-Kyiara, former DayZ community manager


Edited by Pyongo Bongo

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As cool as it would be, I would prefer if devs focus on the bigger picture than just adding books. Bigger picture - stuff that modders can't do.

There has to be a mod or two with working books.

Edited by DefectiveWater

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