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How do I sit and salute? (UK keyboard layout)

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I am using the UK keyboard layout, and nothing I have tried allows me to sit down, or salute. If anyone knows how to do this and can tell me, that would be sweet. Cheers! :)

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sit and salute on my keyboard are set to

";" sit

"'#" Salute

wierd how there seem to be different keys!

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I am also wondering about several binds on my British hoighty toighty tippy typer.

1. How do I switch firing modes on my rooty tooty point and shooty?

2. How do I turn on the windscreen wishy washies on my motorized rollingham?

3. How do I turn on my torch and trolleytorch?

4. I was accosted by an uncouth chap who demanded my beef wellington ensemble with lettuce so I said 'pish posh' and struck him in the slappy ham with a pip pip gollywock. Most unpleasent indeed. Which button do I press to call the authorities so I don't have to parley with these barbarians myself?

Much obliged and yours sincerely,

Lord Henry J. Trouserplantain esquire

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