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Wildlife "AI"

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Official steam descr. starts with: "DayZ is a hardcore survival game(...)".

Make wildlife (deer, boars...) more intelligent. Right now its a fantasy that have nothing to do with how animals behave. To the point i suspect that whoever scripted them in the first place have never seen real animals outside of TVs dramas. I'm not saying to turn them into hypersensitive bots but believable npcs at the very least. These creatures also try to survive - death is a big deal.

Why would animal sell its position to potential predators by constantly roaring when player is close enough? How DUMB is that? What? Poor armed to the teeth players need help? They're starving? - Its a "hardcore survival game" - your own words, Bohemia. Currently game is giving items on a golden plate. Let's forget about peeled potatoes that randomly spawn everywhere - for that is even worse.

Animal stops its concerto when player is even closer. Is that your "hardcore" element, dear developers? And lets not forget about prey that runs away - but not to the opposite site of potential threat but towards next patrol point. These things are spawned in certain places and can only move between them. They're not living - they're patrolling. That's why every map has their precise locations available. There is no hunting in this game. Its just collecting.

Roars should be simply rare, locations fluid, no indication where - these guys should also make their journeys across the map. Animals are born survivalists. Stop pampering players and make them dull with "you go there, you shoot, you loot". Otherwise what you're telling about your product is no more than lie. Hardcore survival? Vanilla? Does that mean that most people are morons?

  • Beans 1

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Yes I agree that the constant animal screams are a bit strange.

All the passive animals do is sit there and scream xD

More complicated animal AI is not needed, but would be cool and appreciated.

It would be very funny if boars and bulls could attack you, maybe cows would kick if you melee them.

Instant KO.

This post reminds me of the time I went to Chernarus IRL.

A bambi and it's mother ran right by us on the dirt path through the forest from pusta to Mogilevka.

So if we were in-game we would have a chance to take maybe one or two fast difficult shots.

They never once screamed though, nor did they ever sit still.

There were sheep, goats, cows, horses and chickens by the wayside in many of the villages.

They didn't make much noise, but they would be very numerous and easy to slaughter if an apocalypse like in DayZ happened.

Edited by Pyongo Bongo

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