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SD vs non SD ammo on not silenced guns?

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what is the difference, i got STANAG SD MAG and non SD and i can use both on my M16. what do i gain/lose using them?


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non SD doesnt work on the SD M16 one. Its not realistic, but game balancing.

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There is.

Although the sounds are the same(and other players can hear it as well)

but the zombies can't hear the sd ammo sound.

So you basicaly using a silenced weapon for zombies.

But SD ammo are weaker and slower.

So i advice using sd ammor for zombies and regular for players.

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zombies won't hear you shoot if you use SD ammo on non silenced guns.

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SD ammo on non silenced weapons will not agro zeds but other players can still hear it. Not sure how long this will last though.

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