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Captain Q

Does it seem to you, like playing as a female makes a player better off?

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Not that I do it of course :angel:

But doesn't it seem, with threads like this : http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=29956

that playing as a woman gives you more of an opportunity to have a bit of peace since we're all generally less likely to shoot the female model with the tight fitting jeans?

Don't get me wrong-I'm sure some people are hellbent on killing enough that they would still fire shots. But, doesn't it seem like if a boy or girl decides to play as the female character in the game that it would, in turn, would put them on a pedestal, per se?

It has a lot of bearing in psychology; most people don't identify females as combatants. Sure, there are cases of war rape that are rampant, but nobody wants to *SHOOT* a woman (no marriage jokes please). In DayZ, there is no rape, so you can assume the only real factor would be people not wanting to shoot females unless they are either A) dedicated to their work in killing, or B) woman beaters... Or C) paranoid enough to shoot first, ask questions later.

What do you think?

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Back when I used to play Warrock, I'd always choose the medic, which happened to be a female... It had a great plus side; some people would hesitate.

Like Tuco says; "When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk."

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Honestly. Yes.

There are some people out there whos only real social interaction is thru games or chat rooms and who are so desperate (and I dont mean as in horny) to meet someone of the opposite sex that they will more or less give up anything they perceive as valuable.

I think Eve Online had a really funny (but sad) story where this person gave away billions of in game money, which equated to maybe a few hundred dollars of real world value. All because a real girl showed him some attention.

Ive seen the same thing in WoW, WAR, even TOR.

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I though so, so I spawned a few female characters. In my experience (which is too small to be statistically significant), I had much more trouble with bandits.

Could've been that I was just unlucky and ran into the kill-on-sight type players, but I usually die to zombies and bugs, not bandits, but my female char's murdered.

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I always play female, because I'm genuingly a female and like to stay in character :)

1. I have no idea whether I've been treated differently as a girl because, well, I've only been playing since the female skin was put in place and have never played a fella.

2. I do sense (my lady sense tingled at the time) that as a female who proved to be a REAL female by direct voice that I received good treatment from a fella (who also proved himself to be a real fella on voice).

3. But that hasn't stopped me being -

a) shot on sight by random non-contacts

b) being shot after making voice contact with groups of men

Actually, this thread has made me realise something weird....I've yet to meet another woman in the game. Ever.

I have a feeling that if a woman-to-woman contact situation were to crop up, that we might decide to team up better than a mano-o-mano one. Who knows. If there's any other woman out there that care to confirm or deny, feel free to join me so I don't feel so alone :P

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oh God Miss_Nuts... if a woman and a woman were to meet up and team up.. it would be an end to mankind as we know it!

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Actually' date=' this thread has made me realise something weird....I've yet to meet another woman in the game. Ever.

I have a feeling that if a woman-to-woman contact situation were to crop up, that we might decide to team up better than a mano-o-mano one. Who knows. If there's any other woman out there that care to confirm or deny, feel free to join me so I don't feel so alone :P


I have a feeling that my thread may have inadvertently inspired a woman's movement in the post apocalyptic world :P lol

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If you really want to reap the benefits without concern for staying true to your own race/gender, be a black woman.

You have a small build which is harder to detect and hit.

Your skin acts as a natural camouflage.

Compare this to a white guy in the wilderness and you'll see what I mean.

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If you really want to reap the benefits without concern for staying true to your own race/gender' date=' be a black woman.

You have a small build which is harder to detect and hit.

Your skin acts as a natural camouflage.

Compare this to a white guy in the wilderness and you'll see what I mean.


Lol, no. The best camoflauge is the william wallace face. :D

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I shoot women on sight. Friendly or not I'm a bandit who gives medical help to those who need it. I know 99.999999% of the women are guys so I don't feel bad in the slightest for shooting even the friendlies. :P

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I always play female' date=' because I'm genuingly a female and like to stay in character :)

1. I have no idea whether I've been treated differently as a girl because, well, I've only been playing since the female skin was put in place and have never played a fella.

2. I do sense (my lady sense tingled at the time) that as a female who proved to be a REAL female by direct voice that I received good treatment from a fella (who also proved himself to be a real fella on voice).

3. But that hasn't stopped me being -

a) shot on sight by random non-contacts

b) being shot after making voice contact with groups of men

Actually, this thread has made me realise something weird....I've yet to meet another woman in the game. Ever.

I have a feeling that if a woman-to-woman contact situation were to crop up, that we might decide to team up better than a mano-o-mano one. Who knows. If there's any other woman out there that care to confirm or deny, feel free to join me so I don't feel so alone :P


oh God Miss_Nuts... if a woman and a woman were to meet up and team up.. it would be an end to mankind as we know it!

Actually' date=' this thread has made me realise something weird....I've yet to meet another woman in the game. Ever.

I have a feeling that if a woman-to-woman contact situation were to crop up, that we might decide to team up better than a mano-o-mano one. Who knows. If there's any other woman out there that care to confirm or deny, feel free to join me so I don't feel so alone :P


I have a feeling that my thread may have inadvertently inspired a woman's movement in the post apocalyptic world :P lol

So my dear, if you like to play only on hardcore servers, I would love to group up with you. (I play with female skin, but I am a bit worried about how long will take to be able to dress the guille or camo suit. I play with a male friend of mine most of time, but I guess we can complain about the post apocalyptic world anyway! hahahah

And well, I did not have any problems with the female character YET, actually a guy helped me to beat some zombies on cherno in US 4 Hardcore a couple days ago, but I had to voice chat him to do not shoot me, lol.

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I have problems with US servers - my ping is too high :( I play all hours of the day or night depending on my work pattern, but my ping on US anytime is 400+

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I do not play only US, I just play any hardcore server that I can (all the server have at least 100+ping, so I do not have much choice) hahaha, I just do not like the regular ones, 3rd person view, crossed aim and tags ruined my first games, so I do not like it. :/

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Well, by all means hook me up on any servers I'm on. My in game name is the same as the forum and I play UK, EU, LU, FR or DE servers with almost no exception. I wont teamspeak with anyone unless I trust them implicitly tho, so meet, greet n eat with strangers is essential before I befriend :D

EDIT: I do have a mic so I can direct chat in game

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If I'm picking who to shoot first I pick by what weapon they have not by their character skin

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If I was a bandit, I'd be much much more likely to shoot someone using a female model. Either way, 95% of the time it's going to be a guy controlling the character.

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If I'm picking who to shoot first I pick by what weapon they have not by their character skin

Exactly. When I've been weaponless, or packing a (lol) hatchet I'm not a threat or a benefit. But when I'm stashing an AK72 I'm prime fish bait. I dont even think they have the time to take in my womanly boobs before they've shot a Mak bullet into one of em :dodgy:

I call it premature firing of tiny pistol but I guess Freud would have called it premature ejaculation. Hey ho.

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I always hesitate to shoot a female...Even tho I might be a guy..I still don't know to shoot or not..

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I met a girl named Alice_Packs.

Has a colt on her hip and a Winnie on her back.

Rosy red lips and eyes of blue.

Watch out boy, she's got her sights on you.

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You could possibly have a profound advantage over male players by looking like or even roleplaying a female.

When I was still playing World of Warcraft a girl from my circle of friends was also playing the game and she was in a raiding guild which is, for those who don't know, an organised group of people who try to beat the hardest dungeons in the game for the best loot.

This girl was a casual player and not very good at the game but soon after joining that guild she was running around in better gear than any other member and she had several extremely rare and expensive items that very few people could afford on their own.

She told me that several guys had begun showering her with gifts bought from the games auction house and high value freebees from the raid loot even though she hardly participated in dungeon raiding.

This started after she had posted some pictures of herself on the guild forums and started chatting with these guys in private.

She basicaly told me she was a bit creeped out by it but she was keeping them at arms length and getting rich doing nothing so whatevs.

Now I do realise that my example doesn't match DayZ gameplay very well because in this game people rarely get a chance to socialise enough to start manipulating others but perhaps a fem player skin will still give some people pause for just a second when they round a corner in a building and run into one.

Moral of the story?

Some males will go to huge lengths to impress a female they have never even met and people can turn this to their advantage.

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My first thought when I started playing this mod was to use a Female character as I thought it may discourage people from killing me instantly, but it had no effect at all... Maybe they need to introduce an option to play as a child to see if that would put people off killing on sight. I know it's not real, but I'd have a hard time killing an innocent looking child even if they are just part of a game. I'm not actually serious about the devs doing that by the way, just saying.

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