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Build/buy computer for Day Z?

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Hey everyone, I want to get a desktop computer that is capable of running Arma 2/Day Z but I don't know where to start or what to get and I was looking into building one from scratch.

I am new to all this computer building stuff and everything in it though, so I was wondering if anyone could give me a list of components to build one as a reply. Or to even put a link of a Day Z capable desktop.

Very high graphics are not something that I need. Although, I would like to play the game with decent graphics or the best I can get for my price range while still having some money put into other parts.

I am looking to spend around $1000 so anything around there would be good.

If anyone is feeling helpful I would appreciate anything that could help me become a bit more familiar with all the computer stuff. ;)

If I need to specify certain things that I would like in the computer, please leave a reply and I will get back to you! :)

Thank you for any help in advanced! :D

I live in Canada so if there are any online stores that I could buy from please let me know just so I don't get nailed on shipping charges.

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You should ask this on a Computer Hardware website like Anandtech(my preference) or Toms Hardware. For $1000 you could build a really decent system capable of running any game at High(possibly not highest in all games) settings.

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You should ask this on a Computer Hardware website like Anandtech(my preference) or Toms Hardware. For $1000 you could build a really decent system capable of running any game at High(possibly not highest in all games) settings.

Ok, thanks a lot! I'll post on those sites! :)

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Hi I built my computer from scratch for bf3. I soon uninstalled bf3 whaen I found day z. I had never built a computer before and did not know where to start. I researched in forums to choose the parts then used you tube to show me how to put it together. It was so so much fun. I bought my parts over the space of two months so I could spread out the pain a little and get better parts, plus that allowed me to be more thorough in my research. My computer ROCKS now. Hafx case, I-5 cpu, 2 terabyte hd, 16 gigs ram, 120 gig ssd drive, amd 6790 viv card(that is the week link but still kills dayz!). And a host of cool peripherals. Do it yourself you will learn a lot, Have tons of fun. And get a machine that is really good in the end.

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Hi I built my computer from scratch for bf3. I soon uninstalled bf3 whaen I found day z. I had never built a computer before and did not know where to start. I researched in forums to choose the parts then used you tube to show me how to put it together. It was so so much fun. I bought my parts over the space of two months so I could spread out the pain a little and get better parts' date=' plus that allowed me to be more thorough in my research. My computer ROCKS now. Hafx case, I-5 cpu, 2 terabyte hd, 16 gigs ram, 120 gig ssd drive, amd 6790 viv card(that is the week link but still kills dayz!). And a host of cool peripherals. Do it yourself you will learn a lot, Have tons of fun. And get a machine that is really good in the end.


Yea, I'm looking forward to the new experience and it does look like a lot of fun! Roughly how much did you end up spending on your computer?

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check out the computer building marathons. There's some great builds on tomshardware.

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Checkout Overclock.net and Tom's Hardware. I used those two forums to build my PC.

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I've been buildin' machines since the mid '90's

A website I call home for anything PC is


very quick spec layout for you....$830+\- few $ add in shipping should be right at a grand.

just to point you in the right direction.......

Antec 300 http://www.amazon.com/Antec-Three-Hundred-Gaming-Computer/dp/B000GQMHBI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1341633907&sr=8-1&keywords=antec+300

I have a ANTEC 900..sweet case...back to your stuff....


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128542 good capacitors and other parts....made in Taiwan



Stock heatsink is no good...here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E168351180

good for what you want



good and robust RAM



plenty of juice provided, good components inside



same one I have....it's good.

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I've been buildin' machines since the mid '90's

A website I call home for anything PC is


very quick spec layout for you....$830+\- few $ add in shipping should be right at a grand.

just to point you in the right direction.......

Antec 300 http://www.amazon.com/Antec-Three-Hundred-Gaming-Computer/dp/B000GQMHBI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1341633907&sr=8-1&keywords=antec+300

I have a ANTEC 900..sweet case...back to your stuff....


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128542 good capacitors and other parts made in Taiwan



Stock heatsink is no good...here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E168351180

good for what you want



good and robust RAM





Thanks so much! Your reply is exactly what I was looking for when I made this thread!


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$1000 will get you a pretty damn good comp, bro. You could easily get something to run DayZ for around $500. I am in the same boat & am planning to get a bunch of stuff from newegg.com. They have a credit card inwhich you can get 0% financing for purchases over $500. I think its a 12 month timeframe too.

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I tried not to keep track too much on what I spent but it musta been close to 2 grand all in. Now mind you that is most of the best IMPORTANT parts I could find so it will last just by changing vid cards, cpu,s. I use a 24" you could get away with a fraction of that already because parts have come down a lot since then already. I bought my parts in blocks. first i picked up the case and power supply, next was ram, hd,and ssd, next was motherboard cpu cpu cooler, last was vid card I went with a less expensive vid card because I was waiting till the 7000 series came out. Last was monitor I had most of the peripherals already. New wgg is a godsend for all the reviews it has on there!

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No love for AMD in here? You could rock their top end AthlonFx quad core for $130. It'll handle gaming wonderfully and you can save $100 off the Intel chip.

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No love for AMD in here? You could rock their top end AthlonFx quad core for $130. It'll handle gaming wonderfully and you can save $100 off the Intel chip.

I'm a diehard AMD fan, but if one is only interested in Performance, Intel is the way to go at this time.

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if you are a fellow canadian bro just use ncix and use shopbot to price match parts. then use their store pick up solution to avoid delivery charges.

check out ncix tech tips and linus tech tips.

price match is a must...

just a general guide line

if u dont need monitor 1k should get you a gtx 670, i7 (sandy or ivy up to you) decent mobo, decent 750 watt supply,8 gig ram, and MAYBE a small ssd.............IF YOU DO GOOD PRICE MATCHES.

a 1300 dollar rig can be easily price match down to like 1k if u carefully pm indivisual parts over time.

a 559.99 gpu can usually be match down to like 439.99 if you know the source of the said price

and the above rig will probably last you half a decade because gaming is being slowed by console gaming.

and no you wont max dayz because the fps is lol server controled.

my gtx 580s in sli doesnt even use full potential in dayz and sight range is limited to like 1000m instead of like 10000m.


you guys should power up arma 2 chernarus and fly a chopper and you can see like the nw airfield from cherno air lol.....the view is that grand

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I would pretty much agree with the PC spec suggested by frogbones, nice PC all round.

That said, I would suggest a few small changes/updates to an otherwise excellent spec.

- Go for the newer Antec 100 case (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129183 ) Its a good sized case, well designed and at a relatively low price for a good quality PC case.

- Use the Ivy Bridge i5 3570K CPU( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116504 ) - this CPU is not much more powerful than the 2500K, but it is a bit faster and uses a bit less power - so for a CPU hungry game like ARMA2 (and presumably ARMA3) I would spend the extra $10. i7 CPUs are available (3770 series), however these chips are almost identical to the i5 3570K apart from a tiny bump in the stock clockspeed (3.4GHz vs 3.5GHz), 2MB more L3 cache (really doesn't make any performance benefit in games, and hyperthreading (a technology which allows the each core to run two virtual threads) which is only beneficial to highly threaded, CPU-heavy applications- it offers no performance benefit to games. Therefore, it really isn't worth going for an i7 CPU if you are building a PC mainly for gaming.

- The stock intel CPU cooler is OK, though it tends to be a bit noisy and really doesn't allow you to overclock too far. So if you want to have a quieter computer and/or some overclocking headroom then I would recommend an aftermarket CPU cooler, like this nice Gelid Tranquillo (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835426023&Tpk=gelid%20tranquillo ) this will also fit happily in both the Antec 100 and 300 cases.

- For the RAM you should be able to get a 8GB (2x4GB) 1600MHz kit from a good brand for ~$40 , for example this kit (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820220570 ). Faster/lower-latency RAM is available, but for gaming the performance benefit is negligible.

- The Antec 750W PSU, is a nice one and gives you loads of headroom - so running a second graphics card is an option (so long as your motherboard supports it). However, if you are pretty sure you will be sticking to single graphics cards then you may want to go for a 550W-650W unit of similar quality (like this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371059 ) or go for a unit like this which uses modular cables (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139031 ).

- For the motherboard, I would go with the full-ATX size version of the board suggested (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128543 ), or this board if you want the ability to run a second graphics card at full speed in the future (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128546 ).

- The GTX 560Ti graphics card suggested is a very nice option and you won't go far wrong with it, though for a similar price you can get the new HD 7850 2GB which is a good deal faster and has double the video memory (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125419 ). If you want to spend a bit less then this excellent Gigabyte HD 6850 is a great option for $150 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125353 ).

- I would also recommend you consider also opting for an SSD as a boot drive - a 120/128GB SSD would be large enough to fit your windows install, all your main applications and a few games (including ARMA2/DayZ). This drive would provide a big performance benefit in all tasks than rely on storage drive speed. This drive for example is a firm favourite and pretty good value considering its performance (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148525 ).

- You will also need a storage hard disk. If you already have a sizable external hard drive then this may not be needed. If you do need an extra disk for the larger files then something like this would be my recommendation (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822152245 ).

- Finally, you will need a copy of windows. I would recommend Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit OEM version (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116986 ).

Hopefully that will be of some help.

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I've got a i7 920, ASUS PT6, ATI 4850HD, 6GGB DDR3 1800Mhz and I can run it just fine (2 year old system). Just buy something better

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