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Zomboy (DayZ)

Clan Disconnecting & Moving

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So me and my group were just north of Vybor, and we ran into a clan that was in a vehicle and they had a flat tire. We all lined up for shots and waited for the right moment. So we ended up having a tiny bit of a fire fight and they all hide behind the vehicle and disconnect. We scope it out for a minute and decide to move in a little. We move in and they come back and they moved north and all re-logged. We took fire and two of my team mates went down. I ran towards Vyber and logged out because I thought it was a bit unfair for them to do that.

Server they were in was US 38 Texas. They had a truck and there was like 5-6 of them. Please find out who it is because I'm tired of people doing this to me, [especially a group of bandits] -.-

My IGN is Zomboy! If nothing could be done about this then its ok! All in a day of DayZ :]

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Thanks for the heads up, Zomboy! People disconnecting during PvP and/or ghosting will get a temporary ban on US 38, but there's nothing we can do about your situation without proof. I wouldn't expect anyone to run around with Fraps on all the time though so I guess any proper evidence is hard to come by. There are around 15 regulars on that server from www.neogaf.com and a couple of us are active admins so keep letting us know if you come up with more information.

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