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Zomboy (DayZ)

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About Zomboy (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Zombies is what I eat, sleep, and dream of.

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    I love zombies, zombies and moar zombies. :]
  1. Zomboy (DayZ)

    Tent Duplication

    Aghh! This is a very annoying issue, but for me and my group its a bit different! I place the tent and pack it because it was not where I want it. So I repeated this process several times and woke up to 10 more tents around mine with nothing in them! I was able to pack them and place them. Worst part about it was that we moved servers because the tents were a mess! I decided to check them a couple of days later and ALL the stuff we moved had duplicated! The reason of moving was because some of us died and the tents would not de-spawn! - Item duplication happened on US251 - We do have server tents 4 being legit and 6 not being - I play on US106 [Veteran] now - Please PM me for any questions - This problem seems to occur on every server restart or update - IGN Zomboy - Current DayZ mod as of 7/15/2012 -Screenshot of tents picked up and the broken duped ones http://puu.sh/IQzJ
  2. Zomboy (DayZ)


    Strongly agree that this should be added!
  3. So me and my group were just north of Vybor, and we ran into a clan that was in a vehicle and they had a flat tire. We all lined up for shots and waited for the right moment. So we ended up having a tiny bit of a fire fight and they all hide behind the vehicle and disconnect. We scope it out for a minute and decide to move in a little. We move in and they come back and they moved north and all re-logged. We took fire and two of my team mates went down. I ran towards Vyber and logged out because I thought it was a bit unfair for them to do that. Server they were in was US 38 Texas. They had a truck and there was like 5-6 of them. Please find out who it is because I'm tired of people doing this to me, [especially a group of bandits] -.- My IGN is Zomboy! If nothing could be done about this then its ok! All in a day of DayZ :]