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Hello I've got a question about this discount that is going on right now on bistudio site for Dayz (Regular price €57.99 Sale price €29.99) is they key for steam global or region locked ?? 

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4 hours ago, YashoMain said:

Hello I've got a question about this discount that is going on right now on bistudio site for Dayz (Regular price €57.99 Sale price €29.99) is they key for steam global or region locked ?? 

To be honest I don't know, I bought my DZs in Steam too long time ago 🙂 at those times no one heard about Livonia, Enfusion and other swearing words xD

But there's no logic to sell item at the BI-site and make the key "region locked", I guess it's national wide/can be used across the world. 🙂

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