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Why is Balota airfield runway overgrown or missing?

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The whole runway is grass and if it wasnt called Balota airfield I probably wouldnt have known it was even an airfield just a field. Did the grass cutters give up on it before NWAF's grasscutters?

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They never had a solid vision for that airfield, especially since its a part of spawn stage. Perhaps the only way out of this is renaming it into "Old airfield".

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15 minutes ago, nemorus said:

They never had a solid vision for that airfield, especially since its a part of spawn stage. Perhaps the only way out of this is renaming it into "Old airfield".

It looks very odd almost like they sprinkled assets literally everywhere around it, random barbwire in the middle of the field and burnt out cars on the outskirts. They should do it up a little.

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It was supposed to be an abandoned army camp or at least an old site of such. First the war, then the infected - all that was left was garbage left in a hurry.

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The trouble is that's the support airfield. Fastly created for landing small aircrafts, when NWAF & Krasostav AF is considered for supporting for landing of C130.

So basically Balota isn't airfield it's only the support military airstrip that's not to be considered as something special. It shall accept only small planes like An2 and all copters, but nothing more. (No special sensors for landig & autoguide systems)...

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20 hours ago, wadiman355 said:

The whole runway is grass and if it wasnt called Balota airfield I probably wouldnt have known it was even an airfield just a field. Did the grass cutters give up on it before NWAF's grasscutters?

It is pretty much common to have Airfields with no concrete runway. If it was created just o support the cause and for small planes, there is no need to be visible road.

Also dayZ devs are usualy making locations based on real places, so they probably just took some place, made it more overgrown and also targeted by the zombie infection and ctrl + v it into the game.

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