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noob from Poland

The game has become more of a shooter than a survival game

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The game has too many weapons and ammunition. The game already looks more like a shooter with elements of survival, not the other way around. The game lacks new diseases, dangers. When the game added new types of food, medicine, clothing or crafting not related to the military theme?
9 out of 10 deaths in the game are shootouts with other players.
There is no danger of getting infected from a zombie wounding a corpse in the game. There are no birds in the game that can give away the player's location. Why don't they add at least one dog in the villages?
In the game there are 10 ways to destroy the base, but only one way to build it - gates, walls, and a large number of identical wooden crates, which can not even put on top of each other. Construction in the game in general is very weak, you can't craft a nightstand or cabinet to store food or other things.
New diseases, new food, new crafting, new clothes.... In the game all clothes are the same size and they fit everyone
A large number of ideas for survival, but the game is more of a shooter

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2 hours ago, noob from Poland said:

The game has too many weapons and ammunition. The game already looks more like a shooter with elements of survival, not the other way around. The game lacks new diseases, dangers. When the game added new types of food, medicine, clothing or crafting not related to the military theme?
9 out of 10 deaths in the game are shootouts with other players.
There is no danger of getting infected from a zombie wounding a corpse in the game. There are no birds in the game that can give away the player's location. Why don't they add at least one dog in the villages?
In the game there are 10 ways to destroy the base, but only one way to build it - gates, walls, and a large number of identical wooden crates, which can not even put on top of each other. Construction in the game in general is very weak, you can't craft a nightstand or cabinet to store food or other things.
New diseases, new food, new crafting, new clothes.... In the game all clothes are the same size and they fit everyone
A large number of ideas for survival, but the game is more of a shooter

They dont care. Ive been giving suggestion and rework ideas for like 2 years now, not even a single comment from Kira or whatever the dev on here is called.

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In fact these are all things that were constantly being called since this game was launched :p. It was supposed to DIE miserably because of that. And what you know? - its still kicking. In fact there is no reason to have any type of hopes for vanilla. The devs are giving assets and functions - which is more than enough for modders. I mean this game without mods is no more than trial version. Its solid on its own but also not enough to feel the need to grind, to feel immersion. Paper notes, precision immersive object placing - example of small mods that are changing so much! The only thing that - imho - this game truly needs is private effort. We all need servers that are well balanced with mods and configs. The absolute worst thing in "DayZ" is always the same. And that is finding a server. In all my years of playing that game i've seen no more than 3 great servers with Administrators that knew what they were doing. But too bad. Running a server not only cost a lot - it also takes time. Its like additional job. Well balanced server will give exactly what OP here wants. And much more.


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On 5/13/2024 at 8:08 PM, noob from Poland said:

The game has too many weapons and ammunition. The game already looks more like a shooter with elements of survival, not the other way around. The game lacks new diseases, dangers. When the game added new types of food, medicine, clothing or crafting not related to the military theme?
9 out of 10 deaths in the game are shootouts with other players.
There is no danger of getting infected from a zombie wounding a corpse in the game. There are no birds in the game that can give away the player's location. Why don't they add at least one dog in the villages?
In the game there are 10 ways to destroy the base, but only one way to build it - gates, walls, and a large number of identical wooden crates, which can not even put on top of each other. Construction in the game in general is very weak, you can't craft a nightstand or cabinet to store food or other things.
New diseases, new food, new crafting, new clothes.... In the game all clothes are the same size and they fit everyone
A large number of ideas for survival, but the game is more of a shooter

It's funny because I often read quite the opposite - not enough guns, too many diseases, too much danger... 
Perhaps the future will bring at least some of the stuff you mentioned 😉
Btw, I can't recall a game where you would actually have to choose the proper size of clothes 🙂

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On 5/13/2024 at 7:08 PM, noob from Poland said:

The game has too many weapons and ammunition. The game already looks more like a shooter with elements of survival, not the other way around. The game lacks new diseases, dangers. When the game added new types of food, medicine, clothing or crafting not related to the military theme?
9 out of 10 deaths in the game are shootouts with other players.
There is no danger of getting infected from a zombie wounding a corpse in the game. There are no birds in the game that can give away the player's location. Why don't they add at least one dog in the villages?
In the game there are 10 ways to destroy the base, but only one way to build it - gates, walls, and a large number of identical wooden crates, which can not even put on top of each other. Construction in the game in general is very weak, you can't craft a nightstand or cabinet to store food or other things.
New diseases, new food, new crafting, new clothes.... In the game all clothes are the same size and they fit everyone
A large number of ideas for survival, but the game is more of a shooter

"The game has too many weapons and ammunition."
Are you saying that there should be LESS variety of weapons? Clearly that would be going backwards.

"The game already looks more like a shooter with elements of survival, not the other way around. The game lacks new diseases, dangers."
It is a majorly PvP-focused game. It is not a PvE-focused game. Survival in DayZ IS surviving against other players 1st (WITH GUNS), and surviving against the environment 2nd.

"9 out of 10 deaths in the game are shootouts with other players."
Well yes... once you know how to not get a disease or flu, and once you know how to cure a symptom or disease, then you should not be dying to anything else other than a player.

"In the game there are 10 ways to destroy the base, but only one way to build it"
Well yes... there's only one way to use a hammer to hit a nail into a plank in order to build something. Yet as you said, there are multiple ways to destroy the build, as that is common sense and real life no? 

"In the game all clothes are the same size and they fit everyone"
So you want the game to be very monotonous, and your character can only wear one size of clothing? Which means that only around 1 in 15 pieces of clothing that you find will fit your character.

"A large number of ideas for survival, but the game is more of a shooter"
The only thing that you've suggested is birds and nightstands/cabinets. Which you can find plenty of on a modded server.

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I don’t agree with everything you said, but i will say that the zombies should be more of a threat. If you go unconscious, there should be no mercy from the zombies. They should be tearing into your guts. The zombies should force you to use guns more to deal with them. It’s too easy right now to dispatch them. It’s the same 2 strikes with a pause. A zombie infection should cause death or at the very least require an antidote. I think this would actually encourage more people to work together if the zombies were as threatening as players.

Edited by Sean_87__
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I also disagree with in game mechanics that artificially give your position away, such as birds chirping for no other reason than a player near by. I don’t like rocks on trails meaning someone was there recently. The mushrooms spawning because someone is sitting in one spot is also ridiculous. All these things should be random and not indicators.

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On 5/15/2024 at 3:55 PM, Salvatore Spampinato said:

bruh, return here when you know something about dayz, its like you played for 10 hours and now you're crying like a baby here

Exactly this guy hasn't a clue what he's talking about

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On 5/17/2024 at 8:20 PM, Hephren said:

Exactly this guy hasn't a clue what he's talking about

fr, he got killed like 50 times, and instead of getting better he chooses to criticize the game lol

in my dayz experience(I have like 800 hours), I died more times that I've killed, so I have more deaths than kills becasue the more times you die, the more times you receive a lesson, and this guy, is the guy that runs in the Nwaf airfield thinking some friendly guy will approach him. 

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What are zombies even for in this game then, if they don't pose any danger? For shooting games, there's Pubg, rust. There's voice chat in the game. What for? To run in a crowd - you will be quickly detected and shot by other players. Build a base with friends, develop it - all you can build is a fence, gate and tower is all the construction. Communicate, ask for help, help another player - excluded long ago, as a player will find a gun with ammunition, and he will find in four minutes after respawning, he will shoot at other players without thinking.
There is no loot or life value in the game. There are as many weapons and ammo scattered around as in pubg. Restarted, loot for about an hour, shoot with another player - this is all that the game is implemented normally. But it is about “Survival” developers forgot:
Fishing, hunting, medicines, diseases, construction, transportation, crafting - in the game at an extremely low level, as if it was made “for a tick”, like in fact it is in the game, but made boring, primitive, monotonous. But the weapons will be more than in Counter Strike

Edited by noob from Poland
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Co Ty chcesz od tej biednej wanilii? Nie zmienisz trendów; Większość oczekuje od dejz bycia sieczką, nieco bardziej ambitną strzelaniną. To jest wpisane w fundament gry - zawsze bowiem taka była. Jak wspomniałem już wyżej, gracz powinien sobie poszukać serwera, który by go zadowolił. Nie jest to rzecz łatwa, ale tak trzeba. Modyfikacje zawsze będą wyciągać siódme poty z danej produkcji, gdyż taka ich rola. Zamiast apelować do ściany - a Bohemia taką jest - pomyśl o sobie. Szkoda życia na bezowocne apele.

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On 5/15/2024 at 8:33 AM, Andy Red said:

"The game has too many weapons and ammunition."
Are you saying that there should be LESS variety of weapons? Clearly that would be going backwards.

"The game already looks more like a shooter with elements of survival, not the other way around. The game lacks new diseases, dangers."
It is a majorly PvP-focused game. It is not a PvE-focused game. Survival in DayZ IS surviving against other players 1st (WITH GUNS), and surviving against the environment 2nd.

"9 out of 10 deaths in the game are shootouts with other players."
Well yes... once you know how to not get a disease or flu, and once you know how to cure a symptom or disease, then you should not be dying to anything else other than a player.

"In the game there are 10 ways to destroy the base, but only one way to build it"
Well yes... there's only one way to use a hammer to hit a nail into a plank in order to build something. Yet as you said, there are multiple ways to destroy the build, as that is common sense and real life no? 

"In the game all clothes are the same size and they fit everyone"
So you want the game to be very monotonous, and your character can only wear one size of clothing? Which means that only around 1 in 15 pieces of clothing that you find will fit your character.

"A large number of ideas for survival, but the game is more of a shooter"
The only thing that you've suggested is birds and nightstands/cabinets. Which you can find plenty of on a modded server.

Hes saying too many weapons on the ground, not in the lootpool.

There is no inherent order. The picture the devs have been trying to paint is a survival close to real life, in which the enviroment would be as big of a threat as players.


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