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Update 1.25 Xbox Experimental (Change Log)

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Xbox Experimental 1.25 Update 1 - Version 1.25.157877 (Release on 23.04.2024)




  • VS-89 rifle and magazine
  • Support for game crash reporter


  • It was possible to aim with a weapon with an opened gesture wheel
  • With the "disableContainerDamage" server setting enabled, it was not possible to repair sea chests and wooden crates (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T177819)
  • Deploying any trap while there was a player within 150m to 1100m away would prevent certain behaviours from working on the client (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179347, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179743)
  • Removed impact of bad internet connectivity on the weapon lift check
  • Fixed multiple exploits to look through walls (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179674 - private)
  • Server time was not properly translated in the server browser
  • Players muted outside of the game were still audible in some cases (PlayStation)


  • Items located inside of nested containers are no longer accessible through the quick bar or the reload key
  • Reworked the sound sets for all shotguns shots
  • Reworked the sound set for the crossbow shots
  • Reworked the sound set for the M79 grenade launcher shots
  • Adjusted the attenuation of character action sounds
  • Reworked character reconciliation between client and server
  • Updated the game credits
  • Reduced the width of the weapon collection triggers to allow more natural behavior of the weapon lifting
  • Removed promotional Livonia DLC highlighting
  • Detailed further several connection errors for better understanding


  • Added: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchUseEstimatedBandwidth' to switch between the method of replication limiter. Enabled means it will use an estimated bandwidth sent and disabled means it will use the true bandwidth (recommended disabled)
  • Added: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchUseDynamicMaximumBandwidth' to choose if the bandwidth limit should be a percentage of the maximum bandwidth or an absolute value. The maximum bandwidth can fluctuate depending on network quality
  • Added: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchBandwidthLimit', if above is enabled, the range is (0, 1). If above is disabled, the range is (1000, inf). Recommended is 0.8 and 20000 respectively
  • Fixed: Server crash when running out of loot points to spawn items (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179664 - private)
  • Fixed: CfgGameplay: Values set for 'rotationSpeedJog' or 'rotationSpeedSprint' would not synchronize to clients resulting in stuttering movement (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178103, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175489, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178397)
  • Fixed: Spawning ammopile types into weapons with inner magazines via json loadouts was not fucntioning properly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179268)
  • Changed: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchSend' split into 'networkObjectBatchSendCreate' and 'networkObjectBatchSendDelete'
  • Changed: Improved replication statistics in server debug window on diag builds


  • Added: 'Math3D.IntersectRayPlane'
  • Added: 'Math3D.MatrixInverse3'/'Math3D.MatrixInverse4'
  • Added: 'Pawn' class with full feature set of functions
  • Added: 'PawnMove' and 'PawnState' class
  • Added: 'PlayerIdentity.Possess(Pawn)' to possess a Pawn
  • Added: Security: Config parameter 'hasHistory' per entity type to allow tracking of the entity as it may move throughout the world, otherwise only current position is used
  • Fixed: Object creation on remote clients would update the last value synchronized for clients that had already had the Object created
  • Changed: Moved calls to 'OnVehicleSeatDriverEnter' and 'OnVehicleSeatDriverLeft' from script to native, 'OnVehicleSeatDriverLeft' is now called when getting out starts instead of when the command ends
  • Changed: 'Human.LinkToLocalSpaceOf' will now internally call 'UnlinkFromLocalSpace' if 'Human' is already parented and prevent linking if already parented to the same entity
  • Changed: 'DayZPlayerTypeRegisterItems' now gets called when (re)joining servers


  • Xbox consoles might experience performance degradation over time, noticeable in a decreasing frame rate - a fix is in the works and will be deployed as soon as possible
  • In rare occasions, the character might be desynced after respawning  - a fix is in the works



Xbox Experimental 1.25 Update 2 - Version 1.25.156961 (Release on 25.02.2024)



  • Fixed an issue that would result in increasing performance drops over time 
  • In rare occasions, characters could desynchronized after respawning 
  • Grenades were not deleted properly when they exploded inside of a corpse's inventory


Xbox Experimental 1.25 Update 3 - Version 1.25.158033 (Release on 02.05.2024)



  • In-game ambient soundtrack


  • Several edge cases related to the weapon lift mechanic
  • Fixed individual exploits to look through walls


  • Optimized the system greatly behind noise system reducing drops in server performance when AI is around many dynamic objects or there is AI grouped together attacking a player

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So the update was lazy af. Reskinned mosin and some other usless stuff...nice not caring about players wishes like new vehicles or basebuilding, just do the same shit every update.


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So I noticed on the Playstation after last years updates you could see the name of the players if close enough, is that going to be added to XBox. 

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6 hours ago, AmyntorGaming said:

So I noticed on the Playstation after last years updates you could see the name of the players if close enough, is that going to be added to XBox. 

Hopefully no never that's a horrible feature, please never add floating gamertags to players Xbox 🙏🏻 

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Bring back .57 Long Range Scope that was removed from game that update and allow it to be attached to only VS-89 not Mosin as it was originally used, or allow Hunting Scope to be attached to VS-89 otherwise where really is the desirability of the VS-89???


Edited by Drift13b88

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10 hours ago, Drift13b88 said:

Hopefully no never that's a horrible feature, please never add floating gamertags to players Xbox 🙏🏻 

Wdym, that would be such a good feature. I hope they allow us the ability to toggle it though.

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19 hours ago, Jajsjdj Kdkdjdjdjs said:

So the update was lazy af. Reskinned mosin and some other usless stuff...nice not caring about players wishes like new vehicles or basebuilding, just do the same shit every update.

Hi, as mentioned multiple times, here it's from the article:

Some of you may be wondering whether there’s anything more to this update. Well, there isn't. This is mostly due to the fact that update 1.25 was built on top of 1.24. That’s because we are currently extremely busy with a very important milestone which is slated for delivery later this year. We are super excited to tell you more about it soon!

If you wish to write some constructive feedback, I will gladly take it into account. 

17 hours ago, AmyntorGaming said:

So I noticed on the Playstation after last years updates you could see the name of the players if close enough, is that going to be added to XBox. 

Hi, we don't wish to have the name tags in the game (If present, it's due to the platform restrictions), it won't be implemented on official servers from our side. This is more of a CoD and less of a DayZ feature. 

21 hours ago, Shendralaria said:

We're will the new gun Spawn? 

Hi, mainly the military areas.

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4 hours ago, Hephren said:

Wdym, that would be such a good feature. I hope they allow us the ability to toggle it though.

Yeah no it is immersion breaking and will only lead to drama and harassment 

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3 hours ago, Kyiara said:

Hi, we don't wish to have the name tags in the game (If present, it's due to the platform restrictions), it won't be implemented on official servers from our side. This is more of a CoD and less of a DayZ feature.

Tyvm keep up the great work DayZ staff & devs 🙏🏻♥️

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Xbox Experimental 1.25 Update 2 - Version 1.25.156961 (Release on 25.02.2024)



  • Fixed an issue that would result in increasing performance drops over time
  • In rare occasions, characters could desynchronized after respawning
  • Grenades were not deleted properly when they exploded inside of a corpse's inventory

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At around 1:40PM est the game stopped responding, couldn't open inventory or interact with anything, could only walk around. I waited about 10 minutes and then restarted the game, it says unable to get servers now. 

from what I've seen zombies are really aggro this patch? I like it, but I don't think there were any zombie changes so maybe this is just me haha. I would like to see more done on the zombie ai side of things, there used to be huge hordes to deal with, now they just trickle in one after the other usually. It used to be a huge mistake to shoot a loud weapon in the middle of town, now it's just a minor inconvenience. honestly though I'm so happy with the progress this game has made for the 9 or so years I've been playing, like zombies blocking and surrounding the character, that's so cool. This paired with greater zombie numbers and reaction to shots/loud noises would make them terrifying. Other than that I personally think food is still too available and suppressors are way too common, I'd like to hear more shots! Great job devs!

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Also, just wanted to mention I never see obvious signs of hacking on console, but I hear duplicating is still a big thing on here. I know there were some changes made to discourage alts but they are still a big problem. Idk if there's any getting around that on console though.

One more thing I don't currently play on PC but I know that hacks are still a huge issue for official servers, one of my favorite YouTubers (superftlol) says he may be finished making videos for a while because he's so discouraged from getting ESP'd shot through walls, grenades from kilometers away, etc. are there any plans for updating the anti-hacks? FT's idea was to give server control to the community, but I'm personally always against this idea. one of those things that sounds like a great idea until it's implemented hahahaha. thanks for all the hard work devs.

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still says "unable to get servers" on Xbox. are they down atm?

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never mind... had the server filters messed up somehow... resetting the filters fixed it 😕

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Hello DayZ developers, Recently on Steam Workshop, we received one of the best possible mods for the PC community, which consists of new animations for bicycles, horses, and motorbikes. However, it suffers from a limitation of the Enfusion graphics engine, which means that when more than one animation is used on the server, it crashes. I leave the link to the creators of the mod:


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Xbox Experimental 1.25 Update 3 - Version 1.25.158033 (Release on 02.05.2024)



  • In-game ambient soundtrack


  • Several edge cases related to the weapon lift mechanic
  • Fixed individual exploits to look through walls


  • Optimized the system greatly behind noise system reducing drops in server performance when AI is around many dynamic objects or there is AI grouped together attacking a player

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Das mit den Containern is nicht so schön. Ich hatte jetzt die ganze Zeit tachen und Halfter in der Tasche und konnte verhindern wen ich mein Messer rausholen und dan zur Pistole wechsle das mir das Messer den Platz für die Pistole verbaut. Das mit den Taschen und so ist mir egal aber ich würde mir wünschen das ihr es möglich macht das man Pistolen und Messer anders bewerten würdet zum Beispiel für Halfter und Scheiden enine andere Kategorie anzulegen das man da immer noch die jeweiligen Waffen schnell wegstecken kann oder wenn man ein messer weggesteckt dafür zu sorgen das das Spiel überprüft ob eine Scheide oder ein anderer messer slot vorhanden sind und das messer da plaziert und nicht da wo die Pistole ist . Aber der erste Vorschlag ist beschtimmt leichter. Ich hoffe das ihr mir und dem Rest dem es genauso geht da helft. Danke in Hoffnung bohemia Team


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for the background of the music, I thank those who did it. there are other troubles that have disappointed again these zombies who have to be corpses they need to learn how to open the door (10%) Very disappointing night sky which is blue in reality at night the atmosphere is black. I don't like the performance of the sports compass it doesn't work properly.

Edited by Ketchup Sharp

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On 5/8/2024 at 10:23 AM, Ketchup Sharp said:

for the background of the music, I thank those who did it. there are other troubles that have disappointed again these zombies who have to be corpses they need to learn how to open the door (10%) Very disappointing night sky which is blue in reality at night the atmosphere is black. I don't like the performance of the sports compass it doesn't work properly.

1) Infected - this is not planned but I will note it down in suggestions.
2) Night sky - my assumption is: While real-life night skies are pitch black, in games, it's tricky to replicate that without making it too dark to see anything. We tweak things to keep it playable and give enough contrast for navigation. Also, our eyes adjust differently in-game. Plus haing different screens etc.
3) Can you please elaborate here?

We'll take your feedback on board.THX!

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Bei anderen haben wir sofort geantwortet aber nur weil ich auf deutsch schreibe wird es ignoriert oder was

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On 5/10/2024 at 7:47 AM, Oliver Vogel said:

Bei anderen haben wir sofort geantwortet aber nur weil ich auf deutsch schreibe wird es ignoriert oder was



12) English only:
The primary language for the chat is English. Use other languages primarily to assist non-fluent users, considering that English may not be the first language for some forum participants.

But I actually reacted to your post with a like. Which means "noted". English would be appreciated since that is the language of this forum.

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