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Reloading bug PS5

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Sometimes I have to go into my inventory and combine a mag with my gun because it will not reload by holding triangle button. I have not figured out what exactly triggers this to happen, but it’s going to get me killed one of these dayz.

  • Beans 1

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they know.

it`s unfortunately a very old, and reported issue. 

 i`ve personally experienced it with many different weapons of all kind.

the good thing is: after manual reloading a mag, the triangle-button works again

but what i found out during some tests is, and that`s maybe of interest for you:

the issue comes mostly with the login.

so, to be on the safe side, i just check the functionality of the triangle-button asap after evry spawn.

Edited by RenDark2000

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This is happening on PC as well, this is a desync issue which is in the game for long time unfortunately.

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