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ewokz (DayZ)

A realistic way to balance PvP

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Shitheads like you are all about realism when it benefits them' date=' and turn a blind eye to all the unrealistic crap.



Where does he meantion ANYTHING about realism, you (quote)shithead(quote end)?

Get some reading comprehension and read his text again, bloody fool

I tried Ctrl+F on his quote about enforced karma systems and nowhere was any reference to realism to be found

You fail at reading, try again

Was I talking to you? No, so shut the fuck up. The best part is you're also wrong, you stupid cunt.

Shitheads like you are all about realism when it benefits them' date=' and turn a blind eye to all the unrealistic crap.


OH NO! someone on the interweb called me a shithead! How ever shall I sleep at night? I'm gonna have to rush to my therapist right away or I'll just never get over this!

In any societal breakdown, people group up, and work together to survive.
I guess that's why people often take to the streets looting the instant any form of chaos breaks out? And that's just over temporary, short-term events. Imagine how much worse it gets for something as long-term as a zombie outbreak. When it comes down to a life-or-death situation, many people would sooner shoot a stranger than to risk getting shot by said stranger; especially if you've survived long enough as the people in Day Z have to know that that kind of thing is happening all the time.
Dumbfucks like you are part of the reason everyone is KOS, the other reason is you really don't need other people for anything. Rebuilding a vehicle is difficult solo, but a vehicle is also pretty useless if you're playing that way.
So wait... one sentence you're saying that there's no need for other people for anything, then in the very next sentence you're saying that a vehicle is difficult to repair solo, and kinda useless for lone wolfs anyway. Huh.... seems you just answered your own question. This game has plenty of incentive to group-up with other people, just that it's easier to whine about the PvP than it is to head to the Survivor's HQ and try to team-up with someone.
Now, the OP's idea is not the solution we need. We need more reasons to work together, not penalties for killing.

There's already plenty of incentive to work together, you just prefer to ignore it.

I'll address your "points" in turn.

1) the only therapist you need is a long drop with a sudden stop.

2) a small minority of dumbfucks do take advantage of chaos to be dumbfucks. In reality, they die off incredibly quickly, and the majority of people restore order. Even in the least developed parts of the world, where actual shit goes down on a regular basis, people group up to survive.

3) While grouping up is possible, it's absolutely a losing strategy until what is currently end-game, which is only gotten to via metagaming. People don't meet other people and decide to trust each other in this game. They metagame and use trust developed in the real world because it is 100% more helpful to kill everyone you can.

4) The OP's idea is bad. But he is realizing that currently, this game caters perfectly to griefing assholes, well to groups who metagame and exploit, partially to skilled players who work togather by metagaming alone, poorly to solo survivalists, and incredibly poorly to people who don't metagame (use interactive maps, make a beeline for the best loot, use teamspeak to coordinate over any distance.)

This game in an alpha, and I'm sure many things will be fixed.

What's fucking hilarious though is that by removing the unrealistic bandit skins, they got the same result as if they just made the bandit skin the default.

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Tho there are cases when a person is mentally insane or unstable, and does not suffer from side effects by killing other human beings cuz this person usually has some empathy and sympathy issues. This wouldnt work out, just leave it as it is, its balanced enough..

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I'll address your "points" in turn.

1) the only therapist you need is a long drop with a sudden stop.

I love this delusion you have that personal insults do anything to help your side of the argument. If anything you're going to sway people to disagree with you since few people will jump-in to support a person who acts like a 2nd grader.

2) a small minority of dumbfucks do take advantage of chaos to be dumbfucks. In reality' date=' they die off incredibly quickly, and the majority of people restore order. Even in the least developed parts of the world, where actual shit goes down on a regular basis, people group up to survive.[/quote']Maybe you need to go back to the front page. Or maybe you lost it; here, I'll give you a link. See those stats? Tell me how many survival attempts there have been compared to the number of murders. Or okay, okay, so you're gonna play the "spawn hopping" card to explain how that's off. Look at the number of alive characters compared to the number of bandits, then (and yes, the "Humanity" system is still in place and being tracked, just not doing anything in-game). I believe that about defines "minority". As for your assumption that said people "die-off incredibly quickly", I guess that's why crime has long-since been snuffed out and we no longer need to deal with illegal behavior, right?
3) While grouping up is possible, it's absolutely a losing strategy until what is currently end-game, which is only gotten to via metagaming. People don't meet other people and decide to trust each other in this game. They metagame and use trust developed in the real world because it is 100% more helpful to kill everyone you can.
So you admit that there's a way to meet and group-up with people, yet you stubbornly refuse to make use of it. Also, you claim that grouping up is a losing strategy, yet all these people complaining about bandits are soloists. Meanwhile people who group-up either get ignored by a solo bandit, or get attacked but are able to retaliate. Talk about losing.
4) The OP's idea is bad. But he is realizing that currently, this game caters perfectly to griefing assholes, well to groups who metagame and exploit, partially to skilled players who work togather by metagaming alone, poorly to solo survivalists, and incredibly poorly to people who don't metagame (use interactive maps, make a beeline for the best loot, use teamspeak to coordinate over any distance.)
Gee, you mean that a person working alone is going to have a harder time than people who group-up? Maybe that's part of the idea of this game? If you want to survive better, find a group of people to play with. If you feel that grouping with other people is a "losing strategy", well, come back to me after you've been killed 5 or 6 more times with no support to kill the offending player (or prevent him from attacking in the first place) and let me know how well your "winning" strategy is working-out for you.

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Tho there are cases when a person is mentally insane or unstable' date=' and does not suffer from side effects by killing other human beings cuz this person usually has some empathy and sympathy issues. This wouldnt work out, just leave it as it is, its balanced enough..


That's a terrible argument to make. The OP's idea is a bad solution on it's own. High-functioning sociopaths are rare, and the odds of them making up over 50% of the population that survives is illogical.

Frankly, day z should be dominated by melee weapons. even a shitty pistol should be a lucky find.

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Instead of deleting posts and warning users, I'll warn the entire thread instead.

Quit being asshats please, remain civil and if you have a problem with a user and want to tell them to "Shut the fuck up" or "Shove it in your beans hole buddy" them PM the user about the problem you have with them.

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I'll just pull a quote from another post I commented on (since these "nerf PvP" posts are a dime-a-dozen' date=' I don't see any reason to re-type the same reply to all of them):

"This game isn't about having a force-fed karma system. If you want to be a "good survivor", then it's purely for your own sake. The game does not, nor is it meant to, give a fuck about how "good or evil" you're being. So yeah, of course this means it's going to be easier to be a bandit. That's just life.

If you want a karma system that makes sure that both the good and bad options are equally rewarding, go play Mass Effect; go play an Elderscrolls game; go play Fallout*. Go play one of dozens of games out there with artificially-infused karma systems. Day Z is not about forced morality for the sake of arbitrary rewards attached to a given play-style. This game is about survival. If your lives are part of what's keeping the average life span down to only 30 minutes, then you aren't a good survivor."

In short, your idea isn't realistic as you want it to be.


+1 Awesome reply.

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I'll address your "points" in turn.

1) the only therapist you need is a long drop with a sudden stop.

I love this delusion you have that personal insults do anything to help your side of the argument. If anything you're going to sway people to disagree with you since few people will jump-in to support a person who acts like a 2nd grader.

2) a small minority of dumbfucks do take advantage of chaos to be dumbfucks. In reality' date=' they die off incredibly quickly, and the majority of people restore order. Even in the least developed parts of the world, where actual shit goes down on a regular basis, people group up to survive.[/quote']Maybe you need to go back to the front page. Or maybe you lost it; here, I'll give you a link. See those stats? Tell me how many survival attempts there have been compared to the number of murders. Or okay, okay, so you're gonna play the "spawn hopping" card to explain how that's off. Look at the number of alive characters compared to the number of bandits, then (and yes, the "Humanity" system is still in place and being tracked, just not doing anything in-game). I believe that about defines "minority". As for your assumption that said people "die-off incredibly quickly", I guess that's why crime has long-since been snuffed out and we no longer need to deal with illegal behavior, right?
3) While grouping up is possible, it's absolutely a losing strategy until what is currently end-game, which is only gotten to via metagaming. People don't meet other people and decide to trust each other in this game. They metagame and use trust developed in the real world because it is 100% more helpful to kill everyone you can.
So you admit that there's a way to meet and group-up with people, yet you stubbornly refuse to make use of it. Also, you claim that grouping up is a losing strategy, yet all these people complaining about bandits are soloists. Meanwhile people who group-up either get ignored by a solo bandit, or get attacked but are able to retaliate. Talk about losing.
4) The OP's idea is bad. But he is realizing that currently, this game caters perfectly to griefing assholes, well to groups who metagame and exploit, partially to skilled players who work togather by metagaming alone, poorly to solo survivalists, and incredibly poorly to people who don't metagame (use interactive maps, make a beeline for the best loot, use teamspeak to coordinate over any distance.)
Gee, you mean that a person working alone is going to have a harder time than people who group-up? Maybe that's part of the idea of this game? If you want to survive better, find a group of people to play with. If you feel that grouping with other people is a "losing strategy", well, come back to me after you've been killed 5 or 6 more times with no support to kill the offending player (or prevent him from attacking in the first place) and let me know how well your "winning" strategy is working-out for you.

Looking at the stats, what, 15% of deaths have been caused by other players? That number is pretty high, especially considering how many times people die when starting out.

The point I'm making is that day z's emergent gameplay is currently really, really terrible. Most of the server is shoot on sight because they've been repeatedly shown that is the only safe strategy.

A large part of this problem is due to the popularity. There's no sense of community, and removing global chat and bandit skins just made everyone you don't know personally a) a threat and b) faceless.

I heard a story about a guy who was flying around in a helicopter, giving people transfusions. That is awesome, and wouldn't work anymore. Finding people would be harder, and most people would kill the pilot and joyride the helicopter into a ditch.

Finding gear and surviving quickly becomes easy. You can't

build anything of value in this game, and honestly it's a good simulation of the exact worst humanity is capable of.

PvP is a great and exciting thing. But it has to be meaningful, and it currently just isn't. Gear is fun, but there really isn't anything to do besides amass gear and vehicles.

There's nothing to capture, nothing to defend. Zombies are initially frustrating because of their terrible ai and continuous spawning, and their detection, attacks, and movement is bugged to hell.

Did you ever play UO?

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Here's another possible solution to reduce DMing on the servers:

Maybe Bandit bullets should only work on a player that ...

This is where I stopped reading. This is absolutely awful. It would mean that Player A couldn't kill Player B' date=' yet Player B can (ie: will) kill Player A with no threat of reprisal. That is an awful idea. The most frustrating thing about the suggestion forum is that 99% of the people who post here have the absolute worst ideas.

I'm not saying eliminate PvP altogether just the part of it that is unrealistic in a ZA.

It IS unrealistic especially in a ZA to kill for no reason.

Using the words "realistic" and "zombie apocalypse" in the same sentence completely invalidates whatever point you were trying to make. Zombies are not real. The zombie apocalypse is not real. Stop trying to apply logic to this concept.

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