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It would be awesome if you could rob people without killing them

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It would be awesome, if when you shoot someone and inflict what would be considered a deadly shot/wound, he would fall unconscious for a pre set ammount of time 2-10 min. and he would be helpless at your mercy for you to rob him or finish him off with a clear bullet to the brain mass.

It would be awesome if most (if not all shots) would put other players in a downed state , that would add a huge deepness to the game where you may rob other players to survive but you don't want blood in your hands.

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I downed a bandit yesterday and started looting him and took his AK and then he got up a few seconds later and killed me.. It was when I learned rule 2: double tap.

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It would be awesome' date=' if when you shoot someone and inflict what would be considered a deadly shot/wound, he would fall unconscious for a pre set ammount of time 2-10 min. and he would be helpless at your mercy for you to rob him or finish him off with a clear bullet to the brain mass.

It would be awesome if most (if not all shots) would put other players in a downed state , that would add a huge deepness to the game where you may rob other players to survive but you don't want blood in your hands.


That game is called Zargahbad Life. If you launch CO and look for a server it downloads automatically. It uses melee for this mechanic (knock someone out with your gun then rob them).

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I really don't see it being viable, consider for a second:

I spawn with a gun and painkillers

If you rob me i lose my gun and painkillers

What incentive do I have to let you bail me up and take my gear? ZERO, even if there's 10 of you and one of me, all I have to lose is my gear... try and "rob" me and it's going down like the end of "The Thin Red Line", you're probably going to get me but I'm going to put a bullet in someones gut before it happens.

Add in a "knockdown mechanic" (you can already rob people like that btw) and I'd just train zombies at you when i get up, stop being a coward and just pull the trigger IMO, it's the zombie apocalypse man... you don't need to justify being a murderer if you don't want to. Wanting to rob without killing is just as bad as the noobs in sidechat who say "so and so are you friendly? if you don't respond i will shoot, 3,2,1" BAM! tis ridiculous.

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It's more about adding a fun dynamic to the game, rather than copping out of killing people.

Sometimes it's not prudent to just kill and loot, meaning if there are zombies and other hostile players around. Or other scenarios like that. Furthermore, to the sociopaths out there, I'm sure people would get some sick pleasure on leaving a player itemless in the middle of zomb-city.

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I'm not sure if you CAN'T do this already. As it turns out, I was stuck not moving in the dark the other night, and couldn't move. For whatever reason, a dialog appeared in the middle of my screen regarding what I THOUGHT was my pack. I popped up a flare and was staring right at another survivor!

In hindsight, I wish I had opened the pack. Maybe I could have looted someone without them being aware.


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+1 to this idea.

I get Nekosan's example, but I don't think this idea is really applicable to the starter areas. It seems like it'd be more prevalent in the northern areas.

For the idea to be used or really make any sense in the game, you'd probably have to add a Humanity element to it.

* Lose X Humanity for repeated friendly fire (does that exist now?)

* Lose X+ Humanity for knocking someone unconscious (assuming the intent is to rob)

* Lose X++ Humanity for killing someone

The zombies knock us unconscious after a certain amount of damage; you could just apply that mechanic to PvP. I'm shot up enough I drop, hourglass screen comes up and the attacker has a window of time to get to me, loot my stuff, and run before I get up and start shooting at him... OR he double taps when he gets to my meatsack.

Personally, I'd go the robbery route and not take as big of a Humanity hit. Desperate times require desperate measures, but if this scenario were real, I don't see how we'd actually benefit from killing each other so that wouldn't be my choice. but if I saw a known hostile or I were purely desperate and there seemed to be no working with someone else, yeah I'd rob 'em lol

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You can "rob" people, you just have to be really really sneaky.

Me and a fellow survivor were exploring when we chanced upon a solo sniper on a hill who had not seen us. We identified ourselves as friendly, got no response, so we waited a minute. Since, the sniper was not looking at us, we snuck up to him. We managed to get all the way on top of him and still no response. We identified ourselves again and still no response.

My partner then proceed to open the sniper's Alice pack and take all his food and ammo.

Now it is not possible to rob someone of their active gear, if you approach someone and use the action wheel to "Open [x] Pack", you can take stuff out of their pack.

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I like the idea personally but the robbing should inflict half as much humanity loss from a murder to the robber so robbing still has negative effect, sidearms (and their ammo) should be unable to steal or perhaps introduce a item steal limit of like 5, so just choose the juiciest loot instead of all of it.

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You can take stuff out of other people's backpack can't you? My friend has done this a few times. You can't loot my inventory, but you can take from my backpack.

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Non-lethal (knocking someone unconscious) mechanics, as outlined by -FN-, could add an interesting dynamic to PvP: Do you shoot the enemy to pieces? Or attempt to subdue them. Though I'd have to question the incentive for not killing the enemy, apart from maybe not wasting bullets and some form of compassion. What sprung to mind was melee weapons, ones that would knock the opponent out, though melee is a suggestion in and of itself.

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Though I'd have to question the incentive for not killing the enemy' date=' apart from maybe not wasting bullets and some form of compassion.[/quote']

Compassion would certainly be a possibility. Of course, there's also the hilarity that ensues when you knock a survivor unconscious, run to a safe distance, and then toss some tin cans to the zeds to get their attention!


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Robbing someone in game is already a possibility. Once direct comms are working again anyway. I don't see it working via text chat. Have to agree with Nekosan though, being robbed of all your supplies and arms in this game is the same as being killed. Notice once they told him to give up his sidearm as well as his rifle is when he started to fight back. If you've made the mistake of getting that close to someone, or as in that video looting a survivor in the middle of the road!

It's time to fight. Notice what happens to one of those robbers at the end of the video.

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Interesting concept.

Regardless of the aspects of robbery and what sort of humanity hits you might bring to bear, the non-lethal weapon approach might be interesting.

It brings to mind various events where I've come upon another player, or they've stumbled upon me without realizing and I needed to decide to shoot or not. Wasn't interested in their stuff, they may not be hostile, but can I chance it? This decision is probably one of the best events I've run into with DayZ, a quick decision then dealing with the consequences.

Enter non-lethal weapons and players can start shooting first.

My concern is that adding in non-lethal weapons would take away from the quick decisions and feeling of consequence. See that other person? Pop him with a tranq or whatnot, if you want to, you can finish him off later, or just leave him naked on the ground. If its a friendly get him up and continue on like nothing happened.

I can definitely see the draw for some non-lethal weapons, but I don't think that they would do good things for this game.

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