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The Bandit Hunters

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So, I ended up having a great play session last night.

After hearing complaints about bandits camping the spawn points near Cherno and Elecktro killing fresh survivors, I decided to turn the tables and do some night hunting of my own. Bandit hunting.

Had a great play session along the hills and forests along the coasts, sniping a few bandits as I went (drawing them out with flares and empty bottles).

So inspiring it was I decided we should start a team of Bandit Hunters. Only survivors may join the group. Our goal will be to hunt and kill bandits. Nothing else. We will patrol the common bandit hideouts along the south coast, day and night. Unrelenting bandit death.

Who's in?

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This will be going down approx. 7PM CST. I may create a Steam group for it, even though I play retail. But I don't know how else to chat outside of game. Unless we can use TS somehow.

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You can use TS, just be sure to map a different key to your TS push to talk so that it doesn't interfere with the game talk.

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Hay i would definetly be in for this, a public TS we could use is ts100.light-speed.com ... and i could talk the admins into creating the group a channel if you create a steam group add me on steam 4444158 is my account name

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I'm late to the party here on the forum, but way ahead of you in action. I'm obviously in.

wont killing bandits lower your humanity and make you a bandit?

No, killing Bandits does not net a humanity loss

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Glad to see some interest!

I was only able to play for a couple hours last night, but I will have more time tonight and this weekend.

I'm thinking we should try and play on day time servers. I live in Chicago so I've been playing Chicago and West coast servers during the day and early evening, and Norwegian/Dutch/RU servers at night.

Playing at night is fun, but it can be challenging as a group trying to stay together.

I will create the Steam group tonight. Feel free to post or PM me your infos if you are interested. Again, I don't play thru Steam, but at least this way we can track who is online and such.

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So' date=' I ended up having a great play session last night.

After hearing complaints about bandits camping the spawn points near Cherno and Elecktro killing fresh survivors, I decided to turn the tables and do some night hunting of my own. Bandit hunting.

Had a great play session along the hills and forests along the coasts, sniping a few bandits as I went (drawing them out with flares and empty bottles).

So inspiring it was I decided we should start a team of Bandit Hunters. Only survivors may join the group. Our goal will be to hunt and kill bandits. Nothing else. We will patrol the common bandit hideouts along the south coast, day and night. Unrelenting bandit death.

Who's in?


Umm... not to rain on your parade or anything, but wont you guys become "bandits" in-game if you go around killing bandits? (in reply to the "only survivors may join" bit)

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No. Killing bandits will not lead to any loss of humanity.

So u could join without doubts.

And if we ever should meet ingame, I hope I can give you some steaks to prevent you from starving again.

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Ha! Challenge accepted. I'm playing on Texas 4 server now and for the foreseeable future if anyone wants to join. My partners are all dead. :(

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Guess none of you guys were playing much last night (or just didn't check this thread). Haven't gotten the Steam group set up yet, but I PROMISE tonight I will.

Got caught up playing last evening and lost track of time.

Only found one bandit, but it was pretty epic. I had died and was around Cherno getting more supplies. I hear some gunshots so I go for a high place to scout the area. I see one of those white industrial buildings with the three-floor towers you can climb (they also have stairs inside). I end up climbing the building, and when I reach the top of the tower... what luck! A bandit is prone with an AK, just waiting for hapless survivors. I pumped him full of Winchester slugs, needless to say.

Unfortunately, a horde of zeds descended on the building. I climbed down and ran inside to safety and more loot, only to have them follow me in. I ended up climbing the stairs in the tower and gunning down wave after wave of zombies as I climbed. I ended up shooting about 40 zombies in this place - they just kept coming.

I managed to escape, but the warehouse was filled with zombie dead when I left. It was pretty glorious.

So, still in Cherno is anyone wants to play tonight.

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No. Killing bandits will not lead to any loss of humanity.

So u could join without doubts.

And if we ever should meet ingame' date=' I hope I can give you some steaks to prevent you from starving again.


This question was stopping me from killing bandits, I've tracked many of them and just left them alone. Now it's open season and I'm in, I'll try and join your group if I'm on the same server!

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I'll create the Steam group later tonight and see who is on. Give me your IDs guys!

Tomorrow I will be playing all day on one of the Chicago servers.

Seriously, I plan on playing for 12-16 hours straight.

Nice screen lobster. I haven't found night vision goggles yet, but now I see how indispensable they are in cities at night. Tough to fight against that sort of position with that clear of vision, when you are just shuffling along the ground and can't see anything haha.

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Hey Nausicaa, the community I have set up has a TS3 server. If you would like, we could arrange something for your group to have a special slot on the server to use for communication.

Get in touch with me via steam or xfire to talk more :).

Xfire: sgtmgarcia

Steam: xthegarcia

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Naus you know im down add Me to Steam My and Ghost got your back brother

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im going to help with the safe zone thread (http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3722) you guys could use it as a HQ and the scavenger teams from it could go with you to scavenge the dead bandits items and any loot from places you checking out and the loot would be split up of course and anyone at the safe zone with any knowledge of bandits in the area could give you the info.

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I'm definately in. Have been killed too many times by them...

I'll be on Chicago 8, Norway 2 and all SE servers.

Invite hasselgren on steam

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