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cfgspawnabletypes.xml issue

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Is anyone else experiencing issues with cargo attachments in 1.24?

For example, I'm using the RFWC Whaler as a boat to get around in and I have this in my cfgspawnabletypes.xml file for it which should spawn it with all of these items in its inventory:

   <type name="RFWC_Whaler">
        <cargo chance="1.00">  
            <item name="SparkPlug" chance="1.00" />  
        <cargo chance="1.00">  
            <item name="TruckBattery" chance="1.00" />  
        <cargo chance="1.00">  
            <item name="EngineOil" chance="1.00" />  
        <cargo chance="1.00">  
            <item name="CanisterGasoline" chance="1.00" />  

It spawns with nothing though.  I also use a Land Rover Defender as a vehicle and it's the same there, it spawns like an Audi parked in the hood, it's stripped of everything!

These both spawned correctly on 1.23, so trying to figure out if it's a mod problem or a game problem.

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Never mind, the problem was between the keyboard and the chair lol.  I accidentally put an extra </type> in the file.

If you experience weirdness with some of your loot, validate any XML files you've updated as you might have made a typo.

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Hi there drGullen,

I'm sorry do you mind me asking something about this topic? I posted it numerous times, been on 10 discord channels and there's nobody that has or wants to give an answer.

Basically i want to do what you just did there with the vehicle. But i want it to spawn in like that (complete with all attachments) on the map.
So let's stick with vehicles and the RFWC_Whaler you used. 

If i want to spawn in a RFWC_Whaler on my map, with all attachments. How would i go about it???

I spawn it in using a custom json at the moment.... But the attachments are not there whatever i try these past 3 weeks already.

An example:


            "name": "RFWC_Whaler",
            "pos": [
            "ypr": [
            "InventoryAttachments": [
            "InventoryCargo": [
            "ConstructionPartsBuilt": [
            "quickBarSlot": -1,
            "simpleChildrenUseDefaultAttributes": true,
            "simpleChildrenTypes": [
            "scale": 1,
            "enableCEPersistency": 0

As you can see, i'm just trying to force a spark plug in every slot. But nothing. 

If you could help me out or in the right direction, i'm in eternal debt. I am not going to give up.

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You would do it as I've described it in the first post, setting all chance values to 1.00 to guarantee they spawn with whatever attachments you've listed (assuming there's enough space for it of course).

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