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bipods? machine guns?

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i was wondering why DayZ doesnt have a single heavy or even a light machine gun? in addition of that why it doesnt have bipods or any stabilisation mechanic?  wouldnt it be nice to lay ur weapond down against a surface when aiming even with a sniper rifle?

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DayZ had Bipods for the mosin, Ak variants and the M4.

Lying down with a bipod deployed would almost remove recoil.


The PKM and M249 machineguns have been in the game files for almost ten years.


The producer of DayZ even made a post discussing the planned addition of the PKM years ago.


My estimation is:

Bipods and machineguns are a bit more work game design and "balanceing" wise so they have been dropped or keep getting pushed back for easier additions.


I strongly hope the DayZ development philosophy still aligns with the original developers who were going to add RPG7, M249, Pkm, underbarrel grenadelaunchers and the like.


A part of the DayZ community speaks out against adding anything fun to the game (rare, badass and realistic ways to destroy stuff for example)


And they seem to have the dev teams ear.

Give it back! xD

Edited by Pyongo Bongo

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