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Pyongo Bongo

Bullets and bombs used to shred your inventory

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Back in the day your inventory would always suffer greatly during fights. Mags, bandages, ANYTHING could and would be ruined when you got attacked.

Spraying someone down with an assault rifle or blowing someone up with a grenade would leave a big amount of the useful loot on your victim ruined and useless.

Nowadays it feels impossible to ruin items on another player. Even when shooting someone in the back a hundred times maybe one or two items will be ruined. All that ever gets ruined is three specific items, Suppressors and saline.

And clothes instantly get ruined by one or two bullets which seems extreme.

I would like a sledgehammer to the backpack or a full FAL spraydown to the back to actually mean something realism wise.

And have clothes be a little more resistant to bullets. Shooting a 9mm through a tshirt should leave it with two small holes, not completely covered in rust and a suspicious white milky substance, magically unwearable and dissolving with all your belongings inside when put on the floor.

People will think twice before KOS,

be encouraged to rob instead of shoot,

it will feel more like a desperate apocalypse,

more thought out and less destructive methods (headshot) will be more rewarding,

and emergent gameplay will come from key items bein damaged: looting / travel / trade will be encouraged.

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