arbafkrid 0 Posted February 11, 2024 I would like to talk about magazines for the KA-74 and KAS-74U. Make 15 round mags for Tier 1-2. Also there are 2-3 of ka74 mag in Livonia, and they only spawn in Tier 3, and i always see how kas74u and ka74 spawn without mag, and this very very sad. Make please 6 mags on all map and spawn on Tier 2 too pls, because that not serious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sid Debian 147 Posted February 11, 2024 20 minutes ago, arbafkrid said: I would like to talk about magazines for the KA-74 and KAS-74U. Make 15 round mags for Tier 1-2. Also there are 2-3 of ka74 mag in Livonia, and they only spawn in Tier 3, and i always see how kas74u and ka74 spawn without mag, and this very very sad. Make please 6 mags on all map and spawn on Tier 2 too pls, because that not serious. Soviet army didn't use 15 rnds mags. Used only 10 rnd mags for correcting ironsides on stands, outside the shooting range and on military service used only 30 rnd mags (the old ones Yellow and new one's black (dark grape's colour) both for 30 rnds, but on combat situations alke Afghanistan war conflict from mid 80th up till '93rd solders often get to armouries and tried to pick the RPK-74, 45 rnd mags 5.45x39, they were 2 types: the yellow one that's in the game and on that time new ones in army they were called "waffle's", because of small ribs on mag for better holding from left to right and backwards and so on each side of mag they were the 30 and 45 rnds versions. Those mags about you told appears lately after the fall of USSR, when old USSR countries sold military stuff to the States and other countries for cheap prices. And some of mags were adapted for civil using that's why appears the 15 rnd mags... That's all story about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arbafkrid 0 Posted February 11, 2024 1 hour ago, Sid Debian said: Советская армия не использовала магазины на 15 патронов. Использовал только 10 магазинов для корректировки стрелок на стендах, вне стрельбища и на военной службе использовал только 30 магазинов (старые желтые и новые черные (цвет темного винограда) оба на 30 патронов, но в боевых ситуациях типа войны в Афганистане конфликт с середины 80-х по 93-й солдаты часто заходили на оружейные склады и пытались подобрать РПК-74, 45-й магазины 5,45х39, их было 2 типа: желтый, который в игре, и на тот момент новые в армии были называются «вафельными» из-за небольших ребер на магазине для лучшего удержания слева направо и назад, поэтому с каждой стороны магазина это были версии на 30 и 45 кругов. Журналы, о которых вы рассказали, появились в последнее время, после распада СССР, когда страны бывшего СССР продавали военную технику Штатам и другим странам по дешевым ценам. А некоторые магазины были адаптированы для гражданского использования, поэтому и появился 15-й магазин... Вот и вся история об этом. Wow! Thank you! but i need 30 round mags on tier 2, but thank for the history! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sid Debian 147 Posted February 11, 2024 16 minutes ago, arbafkrid said: Wow! Thank you! but i need 30 round mags on tier 2, but thank for the history! If you're a simple player - search for non official servers, you may search through the steam search by server's modifier "privHive", that means that admins of server can setup their own types.xml for necessary stuff same as loot types. If you're the administrator of some DayZ server with Private Hive - chamge the types.xml, extend the class Mag_AK74_30Rnd -> add next line above the <value name="Tier3"/> Add: <value name="Tier2"/> Now that mag shall appear at the Military locations of Tier2 on your server, but we are lazy for it, so after the line <usage name="Military"/> Add: <usage name="Police"/> After that Mag AK74 will appear at all military and police locations of the Tier2 & Tier3. But it's not enough, turn off the server With private hive get to database folder of your server, get into storage_0, search for types.bin and remove it to the hell - and not here it comes, after server start up the sever will recreate types spawn table and Respawn someitems (simply ask the server for loot correction). And you'll get your mags on your server. Or ask server's admins to fix that trouble on their server. As an old German rock band singing: "Don't stop at the top, Touch the skies before you drop!" (Scorpions - Don't Stop At The Top) Just search the way how you may help yourself and I wish you luck 🙂 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arbafkrid 0 Posted February 12, 2024 10 hours ago, Sid Debian said: If you're a simple player - search for non official servers, you may search through the steam search by server's modifier "privHive", that means that admins of server can setup their own types.xml for necessary stuff same as loot types. If you're the administrator of some DayZ server with Private Hive - chamge the types.xml, extend the class Mag_AK74_30Rnd -> add next line above the <value name="Tier3"/> Add: <value name="Tier2"/> Now that mag shall appear at the Military locations of Tier2 on your server, but we are lazy for it, so after the line <usage name="Military"/> Add: <usage name="Police"/> After that Mag AK74 will appear at all military and police locations of the Tier2 & Tier3. But it's not enough, turn off the server With private hive get to database folder of your server, get into storage_0, search for types.bin and remove it to the hell - and not here it comes, after server start up the sever will recreate types spawn table and Respawn someitems (simply ask the server for loot correction). And you'll get your mags on your server. Or ask server's admins to fix that trouble on their server. As an old German rock band singing: "Don't stop at the top, Touch the skies before you drop!" (Scorpions - Don't Stop At The Top) Just search the way how you may help yourself and I wish you luck 🙂 i know about this, but add tier 2 30 rnd mags on official server pls Share this post Link to post Share on other sites