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LOD Pop-in / Loading Issue.

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Is this a bug, or known behavior of DayZ on PC? The foliage seems to load-in in an odd way that seems distracting. Game and all files installed on an Nvme Samsung EvoPlus SSD with all graphical settings maxed.

Is there any way to force LOD's of foliage to max setting, so I don't get this at all, even if it reduces my framerate? I'll take less performance on the stability of the image anyday.


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I have the same problem , I dont even remember if it was so bad before or it got worse in the last weeks. its very annoying since when using eye focus/eyezoom it's popping everywhere from lod rendering .... and it always x2 rendering

Edited by shiftneska

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Yeah that happens on the winter modded maps... i'm guessing because there are no official winter assets to use for the mods and way the trees are rendered over distance. It looks like the game renders a rough approximation of tree and shadows at distance and then when you zoom in you see the detail of the foliage. On the winter trees however there is no foliage so they appear full at distance and then become bare when up close or zoomed in.

Edited by lemmac

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I see some changes when editing the file in the documents DayZ. In C:\Users\*YourUser*\Documents\DayZ (documents on PC). Open: *YourUser*_settings.DayZProfile. Change SceneComplexity line over 1000000. Like 1200000, 1400000 or more. Save the file.
Open game and check changes. If nothing changed leave game and look for SceneComplexity line, if it changed back -> edit again SceneComplexity line to your vaule (*should be the first step*), open properties of this file and look for "Read Only" and check the box, apply changes, after it game cant change this file, but you cant change some settings in game to. Check this post to Edit LOD Distance

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  On 1/18/2025 at 9:01 AM, IWaSS said:

I see some changes when editing the file in the documents DayZ. In C:\Users\*YourUser*\Documents\DayZ (documents on PC). Open: *YourUser*_settings.DayZProfile. Change SceneComplexity line over 1000000. Like 1200000, 1400000 or more. Save the file.
Open game and check changes. If nothing changed leave game and look for SceneComplexity line, if it changed back -> edit again SceneComplexity line to your vaule (*should be the first step*), open properties of this file and look for "Read Only" and check the box, apply changes, after it game cant change this file, but you cant change some settings in game to. Check this post to Edit LOD Distance

Visibility was changed in 1.25 patch. I guess the limit is like about 6000 meters now for terrain and little bit less for objects (Extreme settings).

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