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NO Name, not recruiting.

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I'm an experienced FPS shooter, and *Ashamed cough* Relatively new to DayZ. My group has left me for dead, after getting me addicted to this game, all because they lost interest. I'm quiet, but, determined. Honest, and I'd never cheat a man out of his gear. I need a squad, and I'm up for the tasks you need me to do.

I'm game for joining a tactical squad, as a DSM (Designated Support Medic) or Spotter. But, if I was to join I'd ask one thing in return. It's my tenth life, and I could use a rescue. PM me if you are interested in myself joining your squad, or just ask me details here.

[Edit] I also own a Mumble Server, if you guys would need it.

Edited by Studio Tiberius

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Ill join with anyone that is interested my steam account is fuzzycow54 add me ill play with you most day and nights but I prefer a older more mature group of Dayz players.

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ya sure add me on steam

The service for adding friends seems to still be down :/ i'll try and add you whenever I can. My steam is highoctane0 if you can manage it.

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id like to game with you guys, ive added your steam. my steam id is jasonfunk8

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hey steam is bein a dick and wont let me add anyone...add me on skype : Nar.Kill

I play everyday , just lookin for someone to group with

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We are still recruiting players, our group is a little bit short of people. Lost one from computer breaking and another from being a dickhead.

Yeah... Never will I put in shitty RAM again. RIP my little comp :(

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We are still recruiting players, our group is a little bit short of people. Lost one from computer breaking and another from being a dickhead.

Who was the dickhead?

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Safety in numbers.

Thats what we thought too. Eight of us derping around in the field and I get sniped. Only me, Story of my life <_<

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Hey guys, Im a somewhat experienced player and very interested in joining you're organization. Been looking for some people to play with for a while now and I get the feeling you guys might be it. My username speaks for itself, I love to snipe and offer cover whenever I can.

Skype: Chris.Pobran1

Steam: Chrispy

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Hey guys, Im a somewhat experienced player and very interested in joining you're organization. Been looking for some people to play with for a while now and I get the feeling you guys might be it. My username speaks for itself, I love to snipe and offer cover whenever I can.

Skype: Chris.Pobran1

Steam: Chrispy

We can use good snipers. Right now we only have 3, myself included. My comp just broke so expect to hear from lman84 soon.

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Hey, I'm new to both ARMA and DayZ (only been playing three days or so). I'm not new to FPS's in general. I play Eve Online, so I'm totally used to learning curves and thinking games.


I am 20 years old. In most games I'm a jack of all trades, but I tend to favor either medic or sniper roles (I do realize sniping is harder in ARMA, so I'll be practicing :D ). Totally understand too if you don't accept me now because of my inexperience, I don't want to ruin the fun after all.

Steam: TehFunj

*And I have the retail version, don't know if that matters.

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Hey, I'm new to both ARMA and DayZ (only been playing three days or so). I'm not new to FPS's in general. I play Eve Online, so I'm totally used to learning curves and thinking games.


I am 20 years old. In most games I'm a jack of all trades, but I tend to favor either medic or sniper roles (I do realize sniping is harder in ARMA, so I'll be practicing :D ). Totally understand too if you don't accept me now because of my inexperience, I don't want to ruin the fun after all.

Steam: TehFunj

*And I have the retail version, don't know if that matters.

Dont worry. You dont need much exp once you join up with our clan. Just follow along and you learn quickly.

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Hi i am 19 years old from kentucky. I usually like to play as a sniper but i am up for anything you want to put me as. I have had arma for a month now and i think im pretty experienced with the game.

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Hi my handle is Laddair. Same on Steam. I'm experianced and tired of looking over my shoulder from going solo. I would like to join you guys which seem like a fun bunch. I have and also I am everything you are looking for Hope to talk to you soon.

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Hey, been playing for about a week and have a pretty good feel for the game. Have been playing around with a group of friends and have had a decent amount of luck with finding loot since I started. I am now looking for a group with a little more structure than just a small group of friends. If your still looking for another player my steam id is heafamous. I have skype, vent, and ts3 (though not as familiar with ts3). Look forward to hearing from you.

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Hi i would like to join you Group, i just started playing,sort new but i learn fast i play almost every day i enjoy playing these game.. lmk if i can join Steam:Pinoy_mode

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