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Infected "ape" movements

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This is just a general question to the devs regarding how the infected move.

What is the logic behind having them go into "ape" mode, where they suddenly bend over and start running at you on hands and legs as if they are a chimpanzee or something?  It's really kind of annoying and it's happened to me time and again over the years.  I aim my MK II or crossbow or other weapon and just as I fire, they bend over and the shot misses.  Once they are aggro'd on you, they should be coming at you upright as fast as they can, but invariably, they suddenly switch to this weird stance for some reason.

They are supposed to be infected human beings not primates.  Is there some specific reason for implementing them in this way?  Has there been any thought to updating their movements in the future?

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On 10/12/2023 at 11:16 PM, drgullen said:

Has there been any thought to updating their movements in the future?

At beginning of fiscal year 23, Bohemia planned to finally re-work infected by stating the following.

“We also plan on focusing more on infected AI this year. We’d like to change the way they move through the environment, as well as how you battle them.” -Adam


Sadly, the undertaking was a complex endeavor and devs explained that infected re-work was beyond the scope of an update for 2023. Hopefully, infected update goes live next year.

Like much of the community, I was hyped for improved infected Ai and more robust interactions with them.

My Infected Wish-List:

  • More organic movement animations
  • Greater jump-scare unpredictability of where infected will be
  • Improved attack animations
  • Remove clipping of their bodies when swarming next to structures
  • Ability to bash open closed doors
  • Ability to climb on top of cars
  • Roof screamers should eventually jump down and attack
  • Screamers in real-time should be able to climb objects to alert greater hordes of infected
  • Add rag-doll physics and dismemberment features
  • Only headshots or beheading kills infected
  • Refreshed infected appearances and greater variation of 3d models
  • In general, just make infected scary and effective
  • Give option for players killed by infected to re-spawn once every 24hrs as infected and try to kill survivors
    (A myriad of achievements could be tied to this, maybe also unlock cosmetics for survivors to keep and equip as fresh spawns)

Links to Dev Articles
DayZ in 2023
1.22 Experimental Release

Edited by WOLVERlNES
Added my wish-list for infected changes

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