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1.23 going live?

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3 hours ago, robmgnsn92 said:

Any idea when 1.23 will be going to love servers?

About love servers - when comes release and admins got idea that server should be updated.

About the release date. If everything went bad then less then 1 month (1 or 2 weeks), if we got luck release will be done in 1.5 or 2 months.

Yeah it's long and sad but there's a great chance that bugs (yeah you're not a Bill Gates to make so much bugs) will be found and solved and as result - we'll get a great build of the game that will brings us please each day of playing.


So simply don't hurry. If you in dayz since first days, remember how does community pissed of Dean Hall for release DayZ and how does community got sad when found that the game is not what do we have now.

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