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loot is not respawning on restart!!!!! HELP!

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ok so im new to modding here on dayz. i started a server and im noticing that were not regenerating loot when the server respawns. what do i do. any and all help would be grately appreciated thanx in advance... 


Edited by Zombiefisherchic1013

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  On 9/7/2023 at 9:13 PM, Zombiefisherchic1013 said:

ok so im new to modding here on dayz. i started a server and im noticing that were not regenerating loot when the server respawns. what do i do. any and all help would be grately appreciated thanx in advance... 


Idea is simple.

Yours types.xml has a specific value called "lifetime" (that's a time that exactly that loot type item will stains on it's location) and "restock" (that's a respawn period, it's starting since item despawns or to be picked up by player).

Nevertheless the server is not respwn loot by server started up. For that case there's a loot refreshing timeout that allow to generate loot-waves that saving size of loot database and help to optimize respawn period same as server performance issues.


The way to understand that's you had been done something wrong:

1. Try to wipe out files types.bin and event.bin from server's database directory, that will intent to regenerate the loot table of server and refreshing the timeouts for loot respawn.

2. Tryout the original types.xml, if everything works well then you had been f**ked up with types.xml or events or loot configuration, so you shall check the file structure, validate xml files that's all items is really closed and you not screwed up with xml syntax.

3. I know there's many useful IDEs and etc but for Windows I suggest you to use Notepad++ (it has a xml validation plugins), for Linux: Geany (Gnome and etc) or Kate (KDE and etc).

4. Forget about f***ing windows notepad - it glorious outdated mistake of development.


I hope that info may help you a little.

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