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Mk. 48 Trade?

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Well, im getting bored of my M4A1 CCO with 6 clips of STANAG SD ammo, now idk approximately the trade value of a Mk. 48 but from what the wiki tells me its a pretty fair trade, so if anyone out there has a Mk. 48 no ammo, ill trade it for my M4A1 CCO with 6 clips.

Also dont bother trying to get me to come to you, because i wont and i will have 4 of my friends with snipers watching the trade, believe me or dont its your ass if you try to screw me, you can message on here or you can add me on steam, my steam is CaptainTbag.

I also have a FN FAL no clips if you would prefer that instead of the M4A1 CCO with 6 clips, its your choice.

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sigh the m4a1 cco is way less rare then a mk48

Let me know if someone does trade you because i'll trade one of my many m4a1 cco's for a mk48 all day long

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Hats for sale! I'll give you my vintage hound dog for your MK48! Or what about 6 refined metals?

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hi, a friend is trying to establish a trading company in game

despite getting heavily set back by the hacks earlier in the week, unsupressed AR15s are so common that they just get discarded

on the other hand, they have only seen two mk48s in their entire time in DayZ, one was lost a week or two ago and the head of the trading co carries the other

tl;dr an mk48 is gonna cost at least a pair of NVGs

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M4a1 ccos =/= MK48 no matter how much ammo lolol, maybe if you gave him the FAL and the M4 with no ammo it would come closer

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Well' date=' im getting bored of my M4A1 CCO with 6 clips of STANAG SD ammo, now idk approximately the trade value of a Mk. 48 but from what the wiki tells me its a pretty fair trade, so if anyone out there has a Mk. 48 no ammo, ill trade it for my M4A1 CCO with 6 clips.


M4A1 CCO can be found in general military buildings, mk 48 only barracks/heli crashes, mk 48 has way better dmg, better accuracy, bigger mag, longer range, and is painted camo... how is that a fair trade? as far as close/mid range mk48 is the best gun out there, i would only consider changing it for a M4A1 SD or L85A2, maybe one of the 3 sniper rifles as50/m107/SVD, a car, or a few gillie suits but not for a rifle that can be found in any firestation...

tl;dr an mk48 is gonna cost at least a pair of NVGs

i wouldnt go as far, i think i would change it for a gps, nvg are to rare and valuable, maybe uder right circumstances a range finder although its worth more than a range finder

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If that was scilenced, you'd have a deal, untill then I'm going to keep this MK48 with me.

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the only gun better than mk48 for pvp and pve situation is the m4a1 cco SD (NOTE SD)


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If you have a Mk. 48 and would like to trade ill offer the following:



2 Matches

1 M4A1 CCO 6 clips

1 FN FAL 0 clips

Ill give all that for the Mk. 48, PM me if you have one and wish to trade.

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Doesn't matter if the trade is unfair or not. What really matters is how the idiot TC thinks a guy with a MK48 is going to willingly walk into the sight of '4' snipers to trade for a inferior weapon.

Really? REALLY?! What kind of a idiot would do this shit.

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