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DayZ needs to be harder.

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After being able to collect about every item/gun with multiples (excluding Satchel charges and a Radio) I decided that maybe PvP would be the way to go. After mastering the technique to dominating the NWAF I started to think of some ways that maybe this game could become more challenging. I know a lot of people are already having trouble but the way it is set up right now, the 'surviving' part is relatively easy.

Some ways I thought of to make it more challenging:

-Food/water sources become much more rare.

-Zombies spawn radius should be changed from 200m to 400m.

-Fuel tanks that refill Jerry cans should have a random amount (but once emptied they will be reset with another random amount of fuel after a random amount of time, say 3 days to 1 week)

-When players try to disconnect either through Alt+F4 or esc -> abort, their character goes into the unconscious state with the hourglass for one minute before completely being removed from the server.

-All ammo/weapons spawn rates are lowered extremely (add more melee weapons)

-Remove all casual servers (i.e. white blimps over zombies/players, maps showing your location+other players within 100m, name tags, distance)

-Random load outs on a new re-spawn. The way this would work is every fresh re-spawn (your character is at least one hour old before dying, if they die before the hour they spawn with nothing at all) you get a new random load out, your character could spawn with only a trusty backpack or he could be a well geared character and spawn with a high end weapon and some basic tool belt gear or anywhere in between. This would create the realism that some people are just more prepared than others.

This is what I was able to come up with while murdering kiddies at NWAF. Please give me feedback on some of these and I would appreciate it if you disliked any of these that you either give another suggestion/rework of mine or a explanation as to why it should not be added.

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-When players try to disconnect either through Alt+F4 or esc -> abort' date=' their character goes into the unconscious state with the hourglass for one minute before completely being removed from the server.


Slight addition - no new zombies will spot them in this state. So if they log with zombies attacking, they die. But if they log and a zombie walks over them they are safe. Otherwise logging in a hurry in a city could be a problem.

Still, it would stop quitters in fights, might have strange results with server hoppers though.

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Random load outs will only encourage respawning so people can get better gear from the jump. Keep the spawn load outs regulated.

Ammo and weapons are easy to find, but the difficulty of finding a ranged weapon when you're unarmed is amplified by the fact that a single zombie spells game over to you. Keep the spawn amounts the same, maybe extend the spawn time of ammo so it's not so simple to stock up.

The casual servers actually do serve a purpose, and it comes down to "if you don't like it, don't play it". Some people want the zombie apocalypse mod but don't want the challenge, so the only thing being achieved by removing those servers is you're cutting out a portion of people who are advocating for this mod. It might suck, but not everyone is "hardcore", and casual gamers have a place in the world.

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For food/water being more scarce, I am not sure this is the way you want to go to make the mod harder, as it may force solo play as being in a group may not be worth it if its too scarce.

No opinion on zombie spawns as I do not know much about it and could not really judge the positives or negatives.

Fuel tanks being emptied may just piss people off more then make the game harder, I have never gotten a vehicle so its only an assumption, I won't say its a good or bad idea.

For disconnecting there are many ideas, all of them positive when it comes to this, but eventually one will be chosen as best, one day to solve this problem.

As for two of your points, 1 being lowering gun abundance and the other being able to spawn with a gun are contradictory.

Never bring up being able to spawn with anything on the forum or everyone will beat you for just that point and probably ignore your others.

But so far from what I have gathered with other people suggestions, this is the best way to implement.

1. Conditions needing to be met to allow said suggestions to work

Zombie movement being fixed

More melee weapons as well as a better melee system, in being able to switch to melee weapon at least

New ammo system

2. Suggestions

With new melee weapons, better zombie movement, aswell as new ammo system, it would now be possible to lower the abundance of guns, moving melee weapons as your main source of survival.

When going through loot piles where ammo normally would be, you would find the magazines with a random amount of ammo in it, if said ammo is spent then there would be an empty magazine in your bag.

You are able to take out the bullets in the magazine into a difference slot in the inventory to a limit to hold, then replace them all into one magazine.

Aswell throughout loot piles will be the chance to find a box of ammo for the different varieties of ammo that would take 2 slots and allow you to hold more of that ammo then if it was 2 separate slots.

With the above being said, there would now be no negative of using the Double Barreled Shotgun as it shares its ammo with other different capacity shotguns.

With all said coming to become true, all guns will be rarer, the mod would become harder aswell as it being more tactical then just throwing away your magazines when your done with it.

As for casual server's I believe they should keep them, but once you made your survivor, it is only limited to that server type.

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ATM the game is not easy, bandits are everywhere.

It's better to focun on incentive coop...

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ATM the game is not easy' date=' bandits are everywhere.

It's better to focun on incentive coop...


Less guns= less KoS as it would not be an instant kill with melee weapons

Less KoS = Blank stares as they run past each other not wanting to risk death unless they are a cunt who only plays to kill others, die and repeat

Harder zombies, or rather more dangerous areas with less guns meaning less KoS = potential team work

Until they fail, or succeed then one may betray the other.

But the point is they finally worked together instead of KoS on sight, its slight progress.

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I suggest you show your support for this then.

Edit: I have messaged Spectre way before this thread about removing guns, we had disagreements but a lot of his points are valid here.

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For food/water being more scarce' date=' I am not sure this is the way you want to go to make the mod harder, as it may force solo play as being in a group may not be worth it if its too scarce.


Well you have to think, one trip through a field or to a supermarket will set you and a few friends up for a few days. This makes it easy to visit 2-3 markets and not needs any food/drink for a week.

Fuel tanks being emptied may just piss people off more then make the game harder' date=' I have never gotten a vehicle so its only an assumption, I won't say its a good or bad idea.


Vehicles should only be used in necessary situations, people should not be going across the map 4/5 times a day just to pick up their friends from the coast. Vehicles should be used for short travel and desperate extractions from zombie hordes or PvP. Vehicles are just too easy to maintain with parts and fuel as it is.

As for two of your points' date=' 1 being lowering gun abundance and the other being able to spawn with a gun are contradictory.


Let me clarify, The chance of spawning with a high end weapon (M16/CZ550) would be about the same chance as finding NVG's and if I'm not mistaken that's about a 0.11% chance, however spawning with the normal gear(bandage, patrol pack, etc...) would take up about 60-70% of the spawns and in between you could have just a M1911 spawn or a road flare and a map spawn or a absolutely nothing spawn, all being randomly generated every re-spawn (your character must be at least one hour old before dying, if they die before the hour they spawn with nothing at all)

Slight addition - no new zombies will spot them in this state. So if they log with zombies attacking' date=' they die. But if they log and a zombie walks over them they are safe. Otherwise logging in a hurry in a city could be a problem.

Still, it would stop quitters in fights, might have strange results with server hoppers though.


I like it, I agree with your addition.

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I am all for reduced water/drink spawns but feel it just needs a tweak to make it work better.That tweak is to make hunger not cause blood loss but instead greatly reduce endurance.Make it just an annoying thing to live with while you hunt and scavenge for food sources since in reality you can last a very long time without.This of course has nothing to do with blood increase when you eat but just no blood loss from hunger.

Water on the other hand should stay as is since dehydration is a killer.Less drink spawns though and I think the canteen should be made into a 3 use item before having to refill.

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Currently, here's a few things that need to be addressed to make the game harder, not tedious to play. (Read everything, as skimming over my post and replying will make you look like a complete ass.)

1. Reduce the speed, awareness, and attention spans of zeds. You should be able to outrun them and draw them away from the area. This would increase co-op, as someone could run into town and draw the zeds away while someone else loots. They should be there as a safeguard to prevent a single person from instantly looting everything.

2. Let zed have normal speed inside buildings, but be unable to open doors or climb ladders. You could still lose the zombies inside buildings, but it wouldn't be as easy.

3. Logging out should have a timer that is interrupted by movement and damage. Alt-F4ing out should keep your knocked out body in the server for twice the amount of the log out timer. If the player dies, the body remains for looting. If not, the body is safely spawned out.

I have personally never found a vehicle. The only thing I've ever found was a bicycle I couldn't even get moving. What there needs to be is some more cars that are completely totalled (need all four wheels, and all parts repaired), but car parts need to be rarer. I don't understand why Chernarus has nearly no cars but there's enough parts to build a tank from scratch.

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agreeing with reducing ammo spawns..

Reducing food and water spawns could work if we also reduced the decay rate of your hunger and thirst levels.

I'm not big on the idea of random loadouts in general, but if you wanted to do that I would think a random tool might be a better idea than a possibly fully kitted player. (ie only a knife or compass or map or such)

It is my belief that cars are fine right now, regardless of the hoarding that seems to occur.

and yes alt f4ing needs to die in holy hellfire (don't talk to me about paradoxes)

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I like your ideas, I love how challenging this game is and i would want more.

People should really need balls for this game. I hate how some people whine about zombies, few weapons and food.

The only thing that is complicated are the random equipments. A cola can / some painkillers more or less is alright, but spawning with a AK i way too harsh.

But however, +1 for most cases

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