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Anth (DayZ)

Map print out for free

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Why not display a online map on the second monitor? Waste of time.

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Ignore Mono just another turd trying to land on something nice done for the DayZ Community.

Thanks much. I work in a print center and I paid a few bucks to print this out at 2 ft x 3 ft and laminated.

: )

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Get a 50 buck computer off Craigslist. Load map on that.

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I wasn't saying no one should use this. But you showed it right above 2 monitors like a twat, thus run teh risk of making this community a little more redundant.

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PM me if you ever want help with anything Anth. Im a self taught graphic artist (not those omg i put a few start brushes in a picture kind of "self taught").

People like to complain instead of just saying thanks for the thought even if its not useful for me.

Anonymity + Internet = Dickwad.

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thanks mate. appreciate this.

thanks for taking the time.

very handy for this new DayZ player.

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I wasn't saying no one should use this. But you showed it right above 2 monitors like a twat, thus run teh risk of making this community a little more redundant.

Do you know what redundant means? Because what he is doing is exactly opposite of redundant. People like you make communities look bad.

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Here is what one of our clan members done to help him with direction, looks pretty nice I know you can buy one but why if you have the tools to print it out yourself easy and simple.


Fookin ell u guys still going? I was a member back in OFP:Res days

This map will still be useful for some i.e safely marking their camp / vehicle locations, I however use a tablet with the dayzdb map running on it on my desk :D

Edited by Easy_Tiger

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mhh actually thinking about going to a copyshop and printing it in those 1.5 meter wide paper printers...

would take up half the wall i have my screen in front of

then again, if i don't play on chernarus (which most of the time is the case, because loot spawns in chernarus are terrible divided) it is completely useless

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I didn't know BI made a map, this thread actually sent me to BI and I bought it. Oh well.

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Tell DJRichard I'm such a pennypincher i printed a thumbnail version of Chernarus and put a magnifying glass on it ...;)

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Look at the date in which the topic was posted, you swans

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