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preventing other players from locking your gate

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I have a base that consists of 2 gates, one is outside the building and one inside. I would like the outside gate to be unlocked while i am in the area, to make entering a bit less time consuming. However i can't just leave it unlocked, because then anyone can just come and lock it with their own code lock. My idea is to have a way to attach a code lock but not actually locking the gate, which would prevent other players from attaching their locks while also allowing the gate to be opened. This could be done by attaching the lock while the gate is open, which would IMO be a good way, since its common sense that you can't lock a gate when its wide open. The devs wouldn't have to deal with new models either, just take the existing locked code lock model and make it slanted to imply that its not holding onto a second pole.

  • Confused 2

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But that's wildly unrealistic, the whole point of the current mechanics is to make you vulnerable while you open the gate as well as making your base vulnerable if you chose to walk away from it without locking it. Even if you attached the code lock and left the door open someone would be able to close your gate and lock it with their code lock. Which I think is a fair solution. On one hand it prevents grieving on the other it forces you to keep your base safe and locked. 

  • Confused 1

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That's a good point, however it can also be argued that the entire mechanic of base building is unrealistic, since in real life you would be able to dismantle a wall from the front using a crowbar, or cut the lock off using a hacksaw.

Anyway, just imagine you have a base with a double gate, and you get shot from behind just as you open the first gate. The person who killed you doesn't get the loot, however he can lock the gate, making your base inaccessible, and if it's a 4-digit code lock, you can say goodbye to all your loot. My point is that currently there is no way to make your base secure against such things.

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