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Trading post creation

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Survivor guards are a possibility. Not sure about how the coding would work for determining friend vs foe, though.

Plus, ArmA's combat AI really leaves a lot to be desired. People will probably be able to outmaneuver the NPCs pretty easily. Worth considering, however.

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'Yes, but I believe the point they are making is that in real life this wouldn't happen for fear of one's own life being taken.'

Then it's pointless to have a trading post if no one is willing to risk it. This simply isn't a mod where its easy mode all day. If you want to meet up with someone, it should be a risk that you really should consider taking. Not, 'oh,I'll be be safe because no one can hurt me anyways.'

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This is a bad idea and kills the realism in the mod.

Trade should happen organically, pretty much how it is right now is fine. You meet someone at random, if you don't kill each other, you can strike a deal to share/trade.

There is nothing that needs to be changed about this.

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Gathering the parts needed to build a trading post, like rebuilding a helicopter or other vehicle, is hardly "easy mode". It takes group cooperation and often a lot of fire power to make happen successfully.

Fortunately the game is starting to include things such as razor wire that can be placed where you want. This will certainly make a player-driven trading post easier.

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I'd absolutely love a player-controlled town where trade can take place but conversely I would really dislike anything artificial to make it happen. The ability to search players so you could have check-points on the outskirts sounds good but anything more would feel too "gamey".

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I'll have to disagree on this idea. If you want a secure trading post then you gotta try doing it with what the game has right now, of course its insanely difficult but that is how the cookie crumbles. Let's just be reminded that as kid we are to not trust strangers, especially those who are trying to give free candy away. Let it apply to this game.

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Here is my 2 cents:

I do like the idea of some kinde of "trading post" but in truth. Your idea don't looks that great.

I mean any kind of "non-pvp" area will break the immersion and, what is worse, a "mobile" non-pvp are could be used to troll the game, just think about one of these in the places where the better stuff respawn. No more fights for loot?

What i said in some other topic:


The tradepost in this game need to be made in a location with lots of NPCs Guards, 20+, with the BESTS Gears and with a hell of good AI, like "bandits get in sight of view gets a headshot under the 5 secs mark" But killable. And some kind of reward for actually save/help one of theses guys.

Something like that.


This allow a Tradepost/Rallycamp pretty secure without being a 100% secure place.

This bring some kind of "objective" without being just survive. Just imagine: bandits banding in groups of 20+ to try to take the Camp down, and get good gears. While survivors try to defend the camp. This will probably stop the random kills, since bandits will need to be well geared just to try to take one of these camps down.

If you ever played Metro2033 just try to imagine around one of these camps.

And in these places any kind of looting marks you as a bandit. And yeah... bandits get shoot if come close of the camps. Why? Because in a post-apocalypse world i doubt anyone will wants to be with the well known killer-guy. And it puts some kind of actual penalty in being a bandit.

Just remember it's the end of world, no one wants a bloodlust asshole lurking around. So i think people will think twice before pressing the trigger.

Of courses to make this idea possible we need of self-defense kills.

One more thing i need to point:

While i'm positive about the tradepost idea, i TOTALLY DISAGREE with any kind of coin.

Why? Easy!

Right now we have people who have a bank account, what i think is extremely cheap in a game of "permadeath", but still "ok" because he cant actually stock more than a few things.

But if you put some kind of money in this game people will stock money in one account and when get killed will take a bit of money and buy some new weapons. What in my opinion is a HELL OF GAME BREAK.

Sorry the bad Grammar.

Thx for the attention.


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Well, I'd love to be able to trade in my unused stuff without being worried, however IMO a safe zone doesn't fit into this scenario...

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on-game enforced safe zones will only be viable if the server population is larger (everyone on same server) and things like sandbags, player created structures, etc. survive server reboots. Add to that larger penalties for deaths and I could realistically see player enforces no pvp zones.

As it is now, there will never be a no pvp zone without the game enforcing it.

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People saying they don't want any artificial restrictions to enforce things like this are forgetting that there are already plenty of artificial factors in play simply by nature of this game being a game. Banditry is more appealing because there's no aversion to killing an artificial person. Taking risks like attacking a player-guarded trading post is nothing because you can just respawn if you fail. The degree of sentry shifts that would be necessary to guard a post in real life is impossible here because there's no way anyone playing a game for fun would want to do something so time consuming and boring. I don't know if pvp-free zones are the answer or not, or AI guards, but I do think it's pretty silly when I see you guys defending a level of realism in this game that frankly doesn't exist.

Remember people, it's a game, not the matrix. It can only get so close to reality.

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People saying they don't want any artificial restrictions to enforce things like this are forgetting that there are already plenty of artificial factors in play simply by nature of this game being a game. Banditry is more appealing because there's no aversion to killing an artificial person. Taking risks like attacking a player-guarded trading post is nothing because you can just respawn if you fail. The degree of sentry shifts that would be necessary to guard a post in real life is impossible here because there's no way anyone playing a game for fun would want to do something so time consuming and boring. I don't know if pvp-free zones are the answer or not' date=' or AI guards, but I do think it's pretty silly when I see you guys defending a level of realism in this game that frankly doesn't exist.

Remember people, it's a game, not the matrix. It can only get so close to reality.


I didnt thik about AI. That would be neat if you had killable AI guards that shot bandits on sight.

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God , this again.

How do you think safe perimeters are enforced by the army in war zones in the real world, it takes a lot of peoples and a lot of organisation.

The reason no serious trading post can be organised is because this mod doesn't generate a real need for trading, most players are in very small groups or isolated, and in a lawless world there is no need to trade when there is an alternative solution (shoot and loot)

Now if you had several 10+ groups connected, trading could happen because that's enough peoples so each group can defend it's own members and peaceful trading is more mutually beneficial than taking by force.

We don't need enforced peaceful places, those don't exist in the real world either. What you need is a group powerful enough to ensure the safety of the trade post.

This game has more psychology than it looks like. Stick to the same server and try to talk with other players, this breaks the barrier of being "just another anonymous target". Once you had some dialog and a few shared experiences on a server with peoples (even if it's simply chatting) they will recognise you and it will be harder for them to kill you in cold blood.

The stranger is always the enemy.

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For all intents and purposes what is the difference between a game enforced "no-PVP" zone and one guarded by l337 AI that can pop bandits heads like expert marksmen? Both are enforcing no-PVP, or rather would be, if the AI just fired on *anyone* that fired a shot there.

I made the OP more as a thought experiment to explore various concepts (without actually seeing them in the mod) and to help weed out good ideas from bad. One thing that's become clear from the replies is that in it's current state this mod is very unlikely to ever be capable of supporting even a small trading camp entirely controlled (and patrolled) by players.

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For all intents and purposes what is the difference between a game enforced "no-PVP" zone and one guarded by l337 AI that can pop bandits heads like expert marksmen? Both are enforcing no-PVP' date=' or rather would be, if the AI just fired on *anyone* that fired a shot there.

I made the OP more as a thought experiment to explore various concepts (without actually seeing them in the mod) and to help weed out good ideas from bad. One thing that's become clear from the replies is that in it's current state this mod is very unlikely to ever be capable of supporting even a small trading camp entirely controlled (and patrolled) by players.


The AI could be killed. If you kill the AI, the people are the only things left protecting the camp. Respawn the AI every 10 - min if dead. THerefore, bandits can still raid the camp, but htey need to be heavily armed and take a big risk.

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Hellooo Stranger, I got something that might intrest ya >:)

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Would be interesting, something like "Barter Town". But maybe someone should save it for a Mad Max mod using the Takistan map :P

But it would need to be some kind of non-pvp area or it would never work.

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