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Custom trader map please help

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I am new to editor and have just made a custom trader and Balota.
I am having issues with some of the props, the trader we initially used had fire barrel's and even after we replaced that trader the barrels still spawn.
2 of the props I added are spawning 1 inside the other after each restart causing players to have to open the door of a hummer 20 times and counting lol. I just replaced the hummer through editor and replaced the .dze file, the prop is still spawning.
Did I do something wrong? How do I fix this issue?

Edited by steam-76561198355589668

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First any kind of barrels on server will saved in mission namespace and then would be saved to the server's "hive", database, shard [whatever it calls also], so barrel with the halls will appear again on same spot after server restart.

You have several options:

1st - remove all barrels (in game at your position and in spawn file also known as trader's file).

2nd - write script that by overriding of chat cmds will remove item in hands and manually remove each barrel (version for fun and mad folks).

3rd - write a script that will start in init.c (after creating Hive, but better use OnInit override of mission to that time i guess database would be loaded) and will check does any kind of classname is on XZY position (simply get object at position -> list of objects -> delete items from list). And on server's start each time all barrels would be removed and by trader script would be spawned again. (Over and over again each restart of the game server (not a physical machine).

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