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Revolution RP.

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Revolution RP

Are you bored of pure pve servers where all you have to do is kill zeds for poor rewards, dodge ridiculously oversized animals or just sit in your base?

Are you bored of pure pvp servers where your base is constantly raided and you are shot on site?

Are you looking for a more immersive Dayz experience where you can actually contribute to the server community?

Join us on Revolution RP, we are new server with an experienced admin team, we offer many events and a wide range features to keep you occupied along with opportunities to have a server paid job from `Police chief, Medic, Taxi driver, Pizza delivery guy, Radio hosts` plus many more, custom locations such as the emergency center, radio zenit trader, fishing + hunting trader, a hotel with rooms and private stashes, Custom Vehicles from buggys to tanks and many more options. Modded Weapons and clothes With huge amounts of customization, Grow and sell cannabis with the cannabis plus mod, Build your own base with the BaseBuildingPlus mod pack the way YOU want. See you ther

Hero or Bandit all paths are welcome, which will you choose?


Edited by Beadle.
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