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PC | IZTEK | The Unit Organic RP | SciFi Themed | Custom Mods and More!

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Welcome to our DayZ Organic Role Play server! We offer a unique and immersive gaming experience set in the post-apocalyptic Island of Iztek. With our unique rule set and emphasis on role-play, players can expect to be fully immersed in this true survivalist adventure.

As you venture into the vast and unforgiving terrain of Iztek, you will face many challenges. From scavenging for supplies and weapons, to building shelters and fortifying your bases against the infected and beyond, you will be constantly tested. However by working together with other players and building a community, you can overcome these challenges and create a new way of life in this harsh and unpredictable world.

Our server prioritizes role-play, and we encourage players to create their own stories and interact with one another in a realistic and meaningful way. Whether you choose to be a loner, a bandit, or a citizen of the community, the choices you make and the paths you take will determine your fate in this world. Our rule set ensures that all players adhere to role-play etiquette, contributing to the overall atmosphere of the server and making it a truly unique and enjoyable experience.

We also offer a supportive community and staff who are always available to help with any questions or concerns. Our server is regularly updated and maintained to provide the best possible experience for our players.

Join us on our DayZ Organic Role Play server and start your journey today!



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