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My mic isn't working in DayZ and not showing bars next to mic icon

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I have played the game fine for a while and then all of a sudden i start the game and find that my mic isn't working making none of the other player able to hear me. i tried my mic on other programs like discord and checked my mic settings in the control panel and it works perfectly. I even checked the integrity of the game and reinstalled my entire windows with no fix. also, when i press the cap lock, I notice my mic icon doesn't have any waves next to it and when i increase the range of the in mic it only increases max one wave.

Image: zymgwxpk0mva1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg

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I have this problem too! I can't find a fix anywhere! I've tried just about everything like i'm sure you did. Have you found a fix.

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