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The return of the cans(an Issue)

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Now been playing for a few days i have been starting to notice patterns of entire areas filled with nothing but tin cans, Obviously a big buzz kill.

So i wondered if these cans started spawning more and more as the server kept on living and from what i can tell the answer is no. But why so many cans? Well the answer appear to be simple!

People pick up the valuable stuff leaving the cans in place and as the valuable stuff gets nicked every spot starts steadily be filled up with(you guessed it) empty cans.

Being as there is little to no incentive to pick up these cans that are taking up the valuable loot space, how do we solve this issue?

That really depends on whats physically possible to do with the servers/engines i know little to nothing about what is possible but i nonetheless suggest this.

1. Refresh the content of the maps once every day or two

2. Offer higher purpose or value to the empty cans

3. Remove the spawn chance of empty cans/soda all together

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Loot spawns are checked and eventually refreshed every time you are in a certain proximity. Try looking in better places...barns, warehouses, cities...etc.

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what if you could connect cans to tripwires as an early warning system against zombies/bandits.

That would be nice, yeah, but i dont know how it would work, because most of the "bandit weapons" have great range....

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  'Tegla said:

what if you could connect cans to tripwires as an early warning system against zombies/bandits.

That would be nice' date=' yeah, but i dont know how it would work, because most of the "bandit weapons" have great range....


sad but true but what if you life in an area with close quarters only like a forest.

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Junk has a high % chance to spawn.

How it should be.

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"Junk has a high % chance to spawn.

How it should be. "

Actually trash loot has a lower spawn rate then everything else. usually it is between 20-30% and ive been in many of the best loot spawns and seen nothing but trash sometimes up to 20-40 cans.

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OP is right... I'd rather like to see no loot spawning instead of empty cans which will block the spawnpoint into oblivion (or server-restart).

Clearing a whole high-value building of cans to allow new loot to spawn is dangerous and takes a lot of time. So you'll most likely end upp being killed while doing something good for everyone to come after you or... well, you are lucky enough to run across someone who will eventually help you.

On high populated servers the high traffic areas like electro and cherno will be filled with empty cans or whisky-bottles a few hours past the last restart and so the high-value pubs and supermarkets end up being the nightmare of anyone who's into recycling.

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It would be nice to be able to turn these empty cans into IED's by filling them with ammo and stones or something.

And turning the empty whiskeybottles into molotovcoctails by filling them with gasoline.

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Using empty cans/bottles for more than zed distractions would be a terrific concept.

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While I have no problem with the current rate of junk spawn (if anything, it's low), I'd like to see more of a Fallout NV approach to junk loot. 90% of what you find is useless, but that 90% can be recycled into something badass.

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