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AI that detects all cheating in FPS games

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BI... toss the useless Battleye.  Use this! https://anybrain.gg/

It detects ESP!!!  And oh so much more.  The Anti-Cheat DayZ needs.


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Automated software almost all sucks. A different management would be needed, but above all a group of people who personally take care of all suspected or reported players. It would be enough to follow them a little in the game as "ghosts in flight" and most of the "scams" would be taken.
Then there is the "problem" of the penalty:
*) Ban his DayZ account? Buy another one and continue.
*) Ban him all Steam: I don't consider it fair.
*) Ban his IP: it's the stupidest thing, so you also ban many other users who haven't done anything. The IPs of "civilian" providers are always rotating within a predefined group among all users.
*) You also forbid all the hardware: it seems to me a bit excessive, and in any case avoidable with little expense.
In my opinion, it should still be done, banning the DayZ account or all the hardware, perhaps "treating" a free account if he denounces the trick used or even + free accounts if he denounces whoever sold him that trick (who then gets closed)... a bit as is done with the "Mafia" in Italy... but if they don't have personnel to employ to fix the defects of the game (which is a neverending story), imagine if they will ever have personnel to employ to "seriously clean" the game of scammers .
Cheaters are a plague that is difficult/expensive to get rid of... Avoid highly populated public servers (they are the ones that attract the most cheaters) and be careful with private ones, which aren't always really "clean". Often it is the administrators who commit abuses of various kinds... unfortunately...
If you can and want to, put yourself on your own server. It's the best way to enjoy this game, if you can find other people who share "your idea" of what a "good DayZ" should be.

My 5 cents, oc.

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Does it detect admin abuse?! hahahaha >: / 

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In my opinion, it should still be done, banning the DayZ account or all the hardware, perhaps "treating" a free account if he denounces the trick used or even + free accounts if he denounces whoever sold him that trick (who then gets closed)... a bit as is done with the "Mafia" in Italy... but if they don't have personnel to employ to fix the defects of the game (which is a neverending story), imagine if they will ever have personnel to employ to "seriously clean" the game of scammers .


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