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Trap Persistence

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I thought traps had a week of persistence?

I’ve set two tripwire claymore traps for base defense — and both despawned leaving the tripwire attached detonator useless!?

Why are claymore despawning so fast? 

What’s the duration traps last now? 

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interesting question.

a look into the actual "types.xml" shows:

7 days lifetime for a beartrap and 4 hours for a claymore, in example.

But i`m not sure if that is counting for a placed trap.

(4h until despawn for a placed claymore would be a bit strange)

maybe they have another counter in that case now(5 days?).

anyways, active flags definitely refresh the expired timer off all traps in a 60m radius.. 

Edited by RenDark2000
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Thanks, would you be able to list the lifespans of all traps here? I used to run a server, but don’t have access to xml files anymore.

It’s silly that the explosive despawns leaving behind a useless tripwire and detonator.

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10 minutes ago, WOLVERlNES said:

Thanks, would you be able to list the lifespans of all traps here? I used to run a server, but don’t have access to xml files anymore.

It’s silly that the explosive despawns leaving behind a useless tripwire and detonator.

Slightly outdated but it's the official source


Up to date provided by the DayZ Offline Mode which if I had to guess is a copy of the DayZ server client update for 1.20


Edited by lay-4bd59d3ef91bba9a
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I´ve downloaded the 1.20 SourceCode .zip from github: 
and this is what i have:

<type name="ImprovisedExplosive">  <lifetime>14400</lifetime>

(this lifetime differs from the update note: Increased the lifetime of improvised explosives to 5 days, which can be refreshed through a flagpole)

<type name="Plastic_Explosive">     <lifetime>14400</lifetime>

<type name="ClaymoreMine">        <lifetime>14400</lifetime>

<type name="RemoteDetonator">        <lifetime>14400</lifetime>

<type name="TripwireTrap">   <lifetime>604800</lifetime>

<type name="BearTrap">        <lifetime>604800</lifetime>

<type name="LandMineTrap">        <lifetime>604800</lifetime>

1. you used the claymore without any flag at your base, right?  The unflagged  lifetime of the claymore is: 14400 seconds or 4h.

2. you placed the detonator from the claymore on your tripwire? that increases ONLY the lifetime of the detonator to: 604800 seconds or 7 days (lifetime of the tripwire)

3. so yes, it´s not useful to place this combination without a flag for longer than 4 hours.

4. personally, i think it`s because of balancing reasons. imagine: tripwire-claymore-traps everywhere on the map with a lifetime of 7 days like the mines. that would  lead us thraight into real armageddon. xD

5. they gave us a very good alternative now with the improvised bomb, increasing it´s timer up to 5 days. and you can combine it with detonator/tripwire too, as far as i know. (why not 7 days like the mine or beartrap? idk. maybe it`s their weird sense of "balancing" again). 

6. hint: watch WoBo (the ultimate dayz Sourceror) on youtube for more informations about the various traps and possible combinations.

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Thanks much! Yeah, I’ve been watching his channel for years.

Edited by WOLVERlNES

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If we build a flagpole, will that renew traps timers like tents, barrels etc?

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On 3/3/2023 at 6:51 PM, RenDark2000 said:


4. personally, i think it`s because of balancing reasons. imagine: tripwire-claymore-traps everywhere on the map with a lifetime of 7 days like the mines. that would  lead us thraight into real armageddon. xD


Claymores are so rare that this would definitely not be a case. it's far easier to find regular mines or grenades to make tripwire traps.  4 hours is ridiculously short compared to 7 days for a mine. 

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On 3/12/2023 at 12:35 AM, WOLVERlNES said:

If we build a flagpole, will that renew traps timers like tents, barrels etc?

yes. only with attached flag of course

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On 3/12/2023 at 10:53 AM, General Zod said:

Claymores are so rare that this would definitely not be a case. it's far easier to find regular mines or grenades to make tripwire traps.  4 hours is ridiculously short compared to 7 days for a mine. 

it`s 5 days now, right? so we will see soon. 

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Does anyone know if mines are affected by being left in water ? Or if they can be set in water ? 

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5 hours ago, WOLVERlNES said:

Claymores are 4hrs.

Oh, sorry, yes of course, you are absolutely right!

Seems something confused myself.. (behind you: a 3 headed monkey! xD)

clarification: claymore=4h and improvised explosive=5 Days (1.20)

6 hours ago, General Zod said:

Does anyone know if mines are affected by being left in water ? Or if they can be set in water ? 

I never tried out but i don`t think so. (At least it shouldn't)

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I also hate how devs changed the blast area of damage to a radius rather than its initial cone of damage, which was more realistic. The claymore is pretty useless now: they’re hard to find, they only persist for 4hrs (even when made into a tripwire trap) and they don’t have a long cone if damage.

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