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Please moderate your Official servers and fix the hacker problem

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Please moderate your Official servers and fix the hacker problem.

This game is still plagued with bad players that will "Instant kill" you because they bypass your "BattleEye" Software. Your official servers have 0 moderation and provide 0 consequences in banning these players, PLEASE FIX THIS PROBLEM IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE UPDATING THIS GAME.

It is also sad that most players that I have seen on reddit dayz have recommended and always prefer to play community servers with active admins. Some of the popular servers veer off the vanilla experience and include mods that are just basically not fit for the players who originally bought this game for that Vanilla Experience.

Judging by pass reddit posts all the way from 2013. You guys have failed to fix this problem still. 

How do you want players to recommend to their friends to play this game only to say Nevermind after experiencing "instant death" on an official server?

Its understandable to lose the gear you spent hours on in an actual pvp gunfight, but its pretty fucking unbearable to lose your gear to a cheater aimbotting you then possibly speedhacking to your location just to loot you with 0 consequences because of how easily your BattleEye software vendor is being bypassed.


Possible suggestions:

develop better client-server verification software that can reduce efficacy of hacker programs that bypass "BattleEye" 

Develop server logging software that logs every players interactions, grid location of player x killing player y at distance b meters

Ban player if player x does k damage to player y at distance etc

Switch to EAC or another anti-cheat vendor that has a reputation.

-Another Software Engineer that likes this game, do I have to resort to cheating myself to defeat another cheater?

Edited by CasualDaze
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Great post. 

Everyone should agree that endorsing a gaming server with no administration is a terrible choice. 

With the amount of cyber criminal behavior in the world today it’s plainly obvious that not having admins for a pvp game is a mistake and opens the floodgates for cheaters. 

Then again, we can see that poor design decisions were made from the beginning indicating they had no serious intentions of making a modders game, that have active admin. Instead, just a lawless console servers griefing simulator.  

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Being administrator is a full time job. More servers means more employees so its no wonder that official servers are not monitored...

And yeah, i'm also waiting for some changes in security department. The amount of cheating element is taking over. Very bad PR for the studio. Rebranding won't help.

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Yea. And there’s no reason why BI can’t figure out a way to make administering servers profitable.  Blizzard adopted that philosophy and look, servers are the Collins’s flywheel that keeps profit momentum. NOT providing admins isn’t even neutral. It’s actively working against your own product.  Being an admin is a full time job, sure. Get someone in that position to make some profits. 

Yes. The PR is bad. Whose turn is it to be the  brand manager now?  Whose making pointless videos now?

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