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types.xml: max & min I didn't understand a thing.

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Hello everybody.
Despite a few years of modifying my vanilla server, now that I've started assembling a modded one I find myself with a doubt that had never occurred to me before.
Given that I don't know English and I have to use Google (which sucks), the point is the translation I find on the explanation of the "min" & "max" values in the "types.xml" file.
Until now I hadn't worried about it, roughly I know what they mean, but now that I would like a specific weapon to be present in the issue of 1, and that as soon as it is taken, only one is born, I have this doubt.
The "max" is the number of items the economy will generate once the item minimum is reached. Ok, but the minimum is "exactly" what ?
The number "at which" the restoration of the object starts?
Or the number "under which" the restoration of the object starts?
I hope Google has translated it correctly (this is where my problem arises too 😕 )
Not all mods provide the "types.xml" file and the ones I find "suggested" around are often inaccurate.
To understand better: if I want only one object always present in my server I should set...
max = 1 & min = 0
max = 1 & min =1
Is there anyone who already knows it well and saves me hours of tests and various "messes"?

Thank you

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Min is the lowest amount that will be on the map at any given time. If set to 2 there will always be 2 laying about on the map. If set to 0 the server is not required to spawn any. How you set the count is also critical. If you set count on players to 1 it will count the item in a players inventory. Hope this helps.

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Sorry to revive an old post here, quantmax and quantmin do not change the amount that spawns on the server, that changes how much spawns within that item. For example: if you had an ammo stack of .22 and quantmax and quantmin were both set to 100 (100%) it would spawn 50/50 everytime. If you had it at quantmax 100 and quantmin 50(%) it would spawn between 25 and 50 rounds in that stack.

The thing you need to edit is nominal value which is the total amount of that specific object spawning on the server capable (rarely does it reach this) and min which needs to be below the nominal, min is the bare minimum the server needs to spawn said object. If you set the M4 to have a nominal of 100 and a min of 25 it would absolutely spawn 25 M4s, but there can be complications with that as well. I hope this clears the types.xml up for you.


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