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About InfraredGhost

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. InfraredGhost

    Fix your stupid game

    You should post or Google exactly what your error says, then someone can probably help you instead of blaming the game. Have you tried re-installing battleye? Validating your steam files? Making sure that server you tried joining didn’t have mods that you didn’t have?
  2. InfraredGhost

    types.xml: max & min I didn't understand a thing.

    Sorry to revive an old post here, quantmax and quantmin do not change the amount that spawns on the server, that changes how much spawns within that item. For example: if you had an ammo stack of .22 and quantmax and quantmin were both set to 100 (100%) it would spawn 50/50 everytime. If you had it at quantmax 100 and quantmin 50(%) it would spawn between 25 and 50 rounds in that stack. The thing you need to edit is nominal value which is the total amount of that specific object spawning on the server capable (rarely does it reach this) and min which needs to be below the nominal, min is the bare minimum the server needs to spawn said object. If you set the M4 to have a nominal of 100 and a min of 25 it would absolutely spawn 25 M4s, but there can be complications with that as well. I hope this clears the types.xml up for you.
  3. InfraredGhost

    Xbox Stuck Player

    Hi, I host a server on Xbox, I’ve been in the DayZ community for a while. I’ve hosted PC servers and have created mods so I’m pretty accustomed to server modifications. My question here is I have a player who is stuck in the ground in a vehicle, he is unable to exit the vehicle, the vehicle will not blow up, server restarts won’t fix it, I’ve tried placing tents, removing the trunk lid or rear tires, nothing at all will give him the options to leave. Reliving obviously doesn’t do anything either because he spawned inside the vehicle but not in the driver seat, now he is below the terrain and there is no way for us to kill him to get a respawn. Overall his character is literally stuck, I was wondering if there was any workarounds anyone knew of to teleport him to certain coordinates or anything of the sort? I know BI is working on giving us more power on console to modify things and so far everything has been great with the power we’ve already been given, but the only thing we are missing is some form of in-game tools as owners. I get it, people can abuse them: but we can already make admin bases using COT or DZEditor so that’s up to the communities. If anyone knows any way to achieve success in this field, please let me know. Our goal in mind here is to save his gear at least for him on his character. Thanks!